1 #include<stdio.h> 2 #include<stdlib.h> 3 4 typedef struct node{ 5 int data; 6 struct node *next; //C++可以不加struct 7 }node; 8 9 node* initlist (int num){ 10 node *head = NULL; 11 head = (node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); 12 head->data = num; 13 head->next = NULL; 14 printf("init link-list OK!\n"); 15 return head; 16 } 17 18 19 void addelement(node *list,int num){ 20 node* tpre = list; 21 while(tpre->next!=NULL) 22 tpre = tpre->next; 23 tpre->next = (node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); 24 tpre = tpre->next; 25 tpre->data = num; 26 tpre->next = NULL; 27 printf("Add num:%d OK !\n",num); 28 return ; 29 } 30 31 void delete_element(node *list,int num){ 32 node *tpre = NULL; 33 node *tnow = list; 34 while(tnow!=NULL){ 35 if(tnow->data==num){ 36 node *temp = tnow; 37 tnow = tnow->next; 38 free(temp); 39 tpre->next = tnow; 40 printf("delete %d OK!\n",num); 41 return; 42 } 43 tpre = tnow; 44 tnow = tnow->next; 45 } 46 printf("DEL Data:%d Erorr !\n",num); 47 return ; 48 } 49 50 void changevalue(node *list,int num,int cnum){ 51 node *tnext = list; 52 while(tnext != NULL){ 53 if(tnext->data==num){ 54 tnext->data = cnum; 55 printf("Change data: %d to %d OK!\n",num,cnum); 56 return; 57 } 58 tnext = tnext->next; 59 } 60 printf("CHA Data: %d to %d Erorr !\n",num,cnum); 61 return; 62 } 63 64 void freelinklist(node *list){ 65 node *tre = list; 66 node *tnext = list->next; 67 while(tnext != NULL){ 68 tnext = tnext->next; 69 free(tre); 70 tre = tnext; 71 } 72 printf("FREE OK!\n"); 73 return ; 74 } 75 76 void showlinklist(node *list){ 77 node *tpre = list; 78 while(tpre->next != NULL){ 79 printf("%d ",tpre->data); 80 tpre = tpre->next; 81 } 82 printf("%d #\n",tpre->data); 83 printf("Showing-Finish!\n"); 84 return ; 85 } 86 87 int main(){ 88 node *list = initlist(1); 89 addelement(list,2); 90 addelement(list,3); 91 addelement(list,4); 92 addelement(list,5); 93 addelement(list,6); 94 changevalue(list,6,7); 95 changevalue(list,6,8); 96 delete_element(list,3); 97 delete_element(list,9); 98 showlinklist(list); 99 freelinklist(list); 100 return 0; 101 }