select t1.date,round(t2.n2/t1.n1,3) from ( select date,count(*) n1 from email e join user u1 on e.send_id=u1.id join user u2 on e.receive_id=u2.id where u1.is_blacklist=0 and u2.is_blacklist=0 group by date ) t1 join ( select date,count(*) n2 from email e join user u1 on e.send_id=u1.id join user u2 on e.receive_id=u2.id where u1.is_blacklist=0 and u2.is_blacklist=0 and type='no_completed' group by date ) t2 on t1.date=t2.date group by date order by date
select e.date ,round(sum(if(e.type='completed',0,1))/count(e.type),3) p from email e join user u1 on e.send_id=u1.id join user u2 on e.receive_id=u2.id where u1.is_blacklist=0 and u2.is_blacklist=0 group by date order by date
思路:上面那个就是分别算,但是很多相同的条件写了俩次,下面的话就相当于把相同的步骤省略了,sum 函数里面嵌套if 或者case when,一半一个条件我都是用if ,如果多个的话采用case when。