You are given a string s consisting only of characters 0 and 1. A substring [l, r] of s is a string slsl + 1sl + 2... sr, and its length equals tor - l + 1. A substring is called balanced if the number of zeroes (0) equals to the number of ones in this substring.
You have to determine the length of the longest balanced substring of s.
The first line contains n (1 ≤ n ≤ 100000) — the number of characters in s.
The second line contains a string s consisting of exactly n characters. Only characters 0 and 1 can appear in s.
If there is no non-empty balanced substring in s, print 0. Otherwise, print the length of the longest balanced substring.
In the first example you can choose the substring [3, 6]. It is balanced, and its length is 4. Choosing the substring [2, 5] is also possible.
In the second example it's impossible to find a non-empty balanced substring.
change array a[]==0 to -1.find prefix[]=prefix sum
find two indices of maximum difference for which it is same value.
take example.
1 0 0 1
1 -1 -1 1
prefix[]=1 0 -1 0
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; map<int,int> mp; int a[100000+10];//前缀和数组 int main() { int n; char c; cin>>n; int sum=0; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { scanf(" %c",&c); if(c=='1') sum++; else sum--; a[i]=sum;//将前缀和装入a数组 if(!mp[sum])//如果此时的代数和之前没出现过则记录下来此时的位置 mp[sum]=i; } mp[0]=0;//前缀和位置数组 int ans=0; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) ans=max(ans,i-mp[a[i]]);//如果此代数和之前出现过就计算一下当前位置距离首次此代数和出现位置有多远,然后再与ans比较取最大 cout<<ans; return 0; }
遇见一个1,sum++,遇见0,sum--;记录每一个的sum的位置,,dis[sum]=i; 初始的时候把dis全部初始化为-1,如果当前dis[sum]= -1证明这个sum第一次出现,记录其出现的位置。如果当前did[sum]!=-1,那么证明这个sum,之前出现过,那么从之前那个位置到现在这个位置,中间的和为0,sum+0=sum 证明中间是一部分平衡01串,然后一直更新,最后的结果就是最长的平衡01串。类似组合数学中做鸽巢定理一道题的思路。因为有负数的存在,所以每个sum+1e5。
#include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> #define ll long long using namespace std; char num[2000000]; //存储01数字串 int dis[2000002]; //记录代数和首次出现的位置 int main() { //freopen("lalala.text","r",stdin); while(~scanf("%s",num)) { memset(dis,-1,sizeof(dis)); //初始化为-1 int len=strlen(num); int sum=0,mm=0; //sum记录从开头到当前位置的代数和,mm代表此时最长子串的长度 for(int i=0; i<len; i++) { if(num[i]=='1') //如果是1就+1 sum++; else if(num[i]=='0') //如果是0就-1 sum--; if(sum==0) //如果代数和是0就说明该最长子串是从头开始的 { mm=max(mm,i+1); //只要出现0就比一下最长长度 continue; } if(dis[sum+1000000]==-1) //为了以防出现负数sum+1000000保证下标始终为正;如果此时的代数和之前没出现过则记录下来此时的位置 dis[sum+1000000]=i; else //如果此代数和之前出现过就计算一下当前位置距离首次此代数和出现位置有多远,然后再与mm比较取最大 { mm=max(mm,i-dis[sum+1000000]); } } printf("%d\n",mm); } return 0; }