(2)又犯的一个错误:datediff(大,小) 是可能为负的!可能为负!可能为负!
with Bt1 as ( select distinct shop_id, product_id, date(event_time) as event_dt, date(release_time) as release_dt from tb_product_info as At1 left join tb_order_detail as At2 using(product_id) left join tb_order_overall as At3 using(order_id) ) select dt, round(count(distinct Ct2.product_id)/count(distinct Ct1.product_id),3) as sale_rate, round(1-count(distinct Ct2.product_id)/count(distinct Ct1.product_id),3) as unsale_rate from ( select event_dt as dt from Bt1 where event_dt between '2021-10-01' and '2021-10-03' ) as Bt2 left join (select product_id,release_dt from Bt1 where shop_id='901') as Ct1 on Ct1.release_dt<Bt2.dt left join (select product_id,event_dt from Bt1 where shop_id='901') as Ct2 on datediff(Bt2.dt,Ct2.event_dt) between 0 and 6 group by dt order by dt