
  1. 将最近的日期设置为当前日期,利用窗口函数做单独列名
  2. 找出90天内的时间期限,作为统计日期起点,运用date_sub 函数
with a as
    select t.product_id
        , o.uid
        , o.event_time
        , o.total_amount
        , max(event_time) over() as cur_dt
        , date_sub(max(event_time)over(), interval 89 day) as start_dt
    from tb_product_info t
    left join tb_order_detail d 
    on t.product_id = d.product_id
    left join tb_order_overall o 
    on d.order_id= o.order_id
    where o.status = 1 and t.tag ='零食'
    order by product_id,uid



select product_id
# , count(distinct uid) as num
# , sum(if(buy_times>=2,1,0)) as re_num
,round(sum(if(buy_times>=2,1,0))/count(distinct uid), 3) as re_rate
select product_id
    , count(*) as buy_times
 from a
 where event_time between start_dt and cur_dt 
 group by product_id,uid
group by product_id
order by 2 desc,1
limit 3


with a as
    select t.product_id
        , o.uid
        , o.event_time
        , o.total_amount
        , max(event_time) over() as cur_dt
        , date_sub(max(event_time)over(), interval 89 day) as start_dt
    from tb_product_info t
    left join tb_order_detail d 
    on t.product_id = d.product_id
    left join tb_order_overall o 
    on d.order_id= o.order_id
    where o.status = 1 and t.tag ='零食'
    order by product_id,uid
select product_id
# , count(distinct uid) as num
# , sum(if(buy_times>=2,1,0)) as re_num
,round(sum(if(buy_times>=2,1,0))/count(distinct uid), 3) as re_rate
select product_id
    , count(*) as buy_times
 from a
 where event_time between start_dt and cur_dt 
 group by product_id,uid
group by product_id
order by 2 desc,1
limit 3