""" 思路:将五个得分版块成绩汇总即可 """ s = input() res = 0 # 1.长度 if len(s) >= 8: res += 25 elif len(s) >= 5: res += 10 else: res += 5 # 2.字母 la = [] lu = [] ll = [] ln = [] for i in s: if i.isalpha(): la.append(1) if i.isupper(): lu.append(1) elif i.islower(): ll.append(1) else: ln.append(1) if sum(ln) == len(s): res += 0 elif sum(lu) == sum(la) or sum(ll) == sum(la): res += 10 else: res += 20 # 3.数字 ld = [] for i in s: if i.isdigit(): ld.append(int(i)) if sum(ld) == 1: res += 10 elif sum(ld) > 1: res += 20 else: res += 0 # 4.符号 if len(ln) - len(ld) == 1: res += 10 elif len(ln) - len(ld) > 1: res += 25 else: res += 0 # 5.奖励 if (len(lu) > 0) and (len(ll) > 0) and (len(ld) > 0) and (len(ln) - len(ld) > 0): res += 5 elif (len(lu) + len(ll) > 0) and (len(ld) > 0) and (len(ln) - len(ld) > 0): res += 3 elif (len(lu) + len(ll) > 0) and (len(ld) > 0): res += 2 else: res += 0 # 输出结果 if res >= 90: print("VERY_SECURE") elif res >= 80: print("SECURE") elif res >= 70: print("VERY_STRONG") elif res >= 60: print("STRONG") elif res >= 50: print("AVERAGE") elif res >= 25: print("WEAK") else: print("VERY_WEAK")