

(select user_id, min(date) as min_date from login
 group by user_id) as temp

然后用left join连接原表login和temp,用temp.user_id = l.user_id and temp.min_date = l.date来对齐,这样原表login中的数据全部保留,temp中缺失的部分留空,然后根据login中的date来分组汇总。

login as l left join
(select user_id, min(date) as min_date from login
 group by user_id) as temp
on temp.user_id = l.user_id and temp.min_date = l.date
group by l.date
order by l.date


select l.date, 
if(exists(select * from 
          (select user_id, min(date) as min_date from login
           group by user_id) as temp2 where temp2.min_date = l.date), 
          count(temp.user_id), 0) 


select l.date, 
if(exists(select * from 
          (select user_id, min(date) as min_date from login
           group by user_id) as temp2 where temp2.min_date = l.date), 
          count(temp.user_id), 0) 
login as l left join
(select user_id, min(date) as min_date from login
 group by user_id) as temp
on temp.user_id = l.user_id and temp.min_date = l.date
group by l.date
order by l.date



(select temp.min_date, count(temp.user_id) as new from
(select user_id, min(date) as min_date from login
 group by user_id) as temp
 group by temp.min_date) as temp2

然后用left join连接原表login和temp,用temp.min_date = l.date来对齐,然后根据login中的date来分组汇总,最后从join得出的表中选出l.date和新用户的数量。这里用if判断l.date当前日期是否在temp2统计新用户数量时被统计到,如果没有则说明当天不存在新用户,赋值为0,反之则赋值为新用户数量new。

select l.date, 
if(l.date in (select min(date) as min_date from login
 group by user_id), new, 0)


select l.date, 
if(l.date in (select min(date) as min_date from login
 group by user_id), new, 0)
from login as l
left join
(select temp.min_date, count(temp.user_id) as new from
(select user_id, min(date) as min_date from login
 group by user_id) as temp
 group by temp.min_date) as temp2
on l.date = temp2.min_date
group by l.date
order by l.date