import java.util.*; /* * public class TreeNode { * int val = 0; * TreeNode left = null; * TreeNode right = null; * } */ public class Solution { /** * * @param root TreeNode类 the root of binary tree * @return int整型二维数组 */ List<Integer> front = new ArrayList<>(); List<Integer> mid = new ArrayList<>(); List<Integer> back = new ArrayList<>(); public int[][] threeOrders (TreeNode root) { // write code here frontOrder(root); midOrder(root); backOrder(root); //申明二维数组、 int[][] res = {convertListToArr(front),convertListToArr(mid),convertListToArr(back)}; return res; } //先序遍历 public void frontOrder (TreeNode root){ if(root ==null) return; front.add(root.val); frontOrder(root.left); frontOrder(root.right); } //中序遍历 public void midOrder (TreeNode root){ if(root ==null) return; midOrder(root.left); mid.add(root.val); midOrder(root.right); } //后序遍历 public void backOrder (TreeNode root){ if(root ==null) return; backOrder(root.left); backOrder(root.right); back.add(root.val); } //别的转换的接口咱不知道,老老实实写一个list转数组的方法 public int[] convertListToArr (List<Integer> list){ int[] arr = new int[list.size()]; for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++){ arr[i] = list.get(i); } return arr; } }