- 设计思想:
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- 代码:
class Solution { public: /** * the number of 0 * @param n long长整型 the number * @return long长整型 */ long long thenumberof0(long long n) { // write code here long long sum = 0; while (n) { sum += n / 5; n = n / 5; } return sum; } };
import java.util.*; public class Solution { /** * the number of 0 * @param n long长整型 the number * @return long长整型 */ public long thenumberof0 (long n) { // write code here long sum = 0; while (n > 0) { sum += n / 5; n = n / 5; } return sum; } }
# # the number of 0 # @param n long长整型 the number # @return long长整型 # class Solution: def thenumberof0(self , n ): # write code here sum = 0 while n > 0: sum += (n//5) n = n // 5 return sum
/** * the number of 0 * @param n long长整型 the number * @return long长整型 */ function add(a ,b){ //取两个数字的最大长度 let maxLength = Math.max(a.length, b.length); //用0去补齐长度 a = a.padStart(maxLength , 0);//"0009007199254740991" b = b.padStart(maxLength , 0);//"1234567899999999999" //定义加法过程中需要用到的变量 let t = 0; let f = 0; //"进位" let sum = ""; for(let i=maxLength-1 ; i>=0 ; i--){ t = parseInt(a[i]) + parseInt(b[i]) + f; f = Math.floor(t/10); sum = t%10 + sum; } if(f == 1){ sum = "1" + sum; } return sum; } function thenumberof0( n ) { // write code here let sum = 0; let res = ""; while(n > 0){ res = add(res,(""+(parseInt(n / 5)))); n = parseInt(n / 5); } return res;///这里用字符串返回即可 } module.exports = { thenumberof0 : thenumberof0 };