1,导出csv格式数据,需要同时指定:--type=csv --fields column_a,column_b,column_c
mongoexport --authenticationDatabase admin -hzzz --port=28000 -uxxx -pyyy -d apple -c users --type=csv --fields=_id,username,domain,name,display_name,department_name -o users.csv
[work@xxx mgdb]$ cat apple.csv _id,name ObjectId(5fe1c25ad400293f29391e54),igoodful ObjectId(5fe2e6cb03be46ef38ce5844),guolicheng
2,导出csv格式数据,需要同时指定:--type=csv --fieldFile
[work@hostname tmp]$ cat fields.txt _id username domain [work@hostname tmp]$ $ mongoexport --authenticationDatabase admin -hzzz --port=28000 -uxxx -pyyy -d apple -c users --type=csv --fieldFile fields.txt -o users.csv ##################### 这里就会按照_id,username,domain三个字段来导出: _id,username,domain ObjectId(5db805516e1c8355a15fe80a),glc,google.com ObjectId(5db805516e1c8355a15fe80b),wjl,apple.com ObjectId(5db805516e1c8355a15fe80c),zd,airbnb.com ObjectId(5db805516e1c8355a15fe80d),lt,amazon.com
3,导出csv格式数据文件可以不要列名称 ,加上 --noHeaderLine就能让导出得文件不包含: _id,username,domain ,常用:
[work@hostname tmp]$ cat fields.txt _id username domain [work@hostname tmp]$ $ mongoexport --authenticationDatabase admin -hzzz --port=28000 -uxxx -pyyy -d apple -c users --type=csv --fieldFile fields.txt --noHeaderLine -o users.csv ##################### 这里就会按照_id,username,domain三个字段来导出: ObjectId(5db805516e1c8355a15fe80a),glc,google.com ObjectId(5db805516e1c8355a15fe80b),wjl,apple.com ObjectId(5db805516e1c8355a15fe80c),zd,airbnb.com ObjectId(5db805516e1c8355a15fe80d),lt,amazon.com
按照指定条件导出数据:--query '{}'
[work@hostname tmp]$mongoexport --authenticationDatabase admin -hxxx --port=28000 -uyyy -pzzz -d apple -c users --type=csv --fieldFile fields.txt --query '{"username":"glc"}' -o users.csv.glc 2020-10-30T16:57:00.563+0800 connected to: xxx:28000 2020-10-30T16:57:00.743+0800 exported 10 records [work@hostanme tmp]$ less cas_users.csv.glc _id,username,domain ObjectId(7db805916e5c8355a35fe80a),glc,apple.com ObjectId(7e05a1456e5c836c0c0a1240),glc,apple.com ObjectId(7e05a3f66e5c836c0c0ac235),glc,apple.cn ObjectId(7e05a53a6e5c836c0c0b19c4),glc,google.cn ObjectId(7e05a5ee6e5c836c0c0b5d2d),glc,google.cn ObjectId(7e05a77d6e5c836c0c0b8fb8),glc,google.cn ObjectId(7e3920b6d3dbdb333aa04844),glc,google.cn ObjectId(7e4e625ed3dbdb333aa04f7e),glc,amazon.com ObjectId(7e96c569e566e174015b7fae),glc,amazon.com ObjectId(7f4c80abd3dbdb3d702f7a00),glc,apple.com [work@hostname tmp]$
/home/work/mongodb/4.0/bin/mongoexport --authenticationDatabase admin --host --port 28000 --username mongo_backup --password 123456 --db db_name --collection table_name --out /home/work/tmp/table_name
从上面的结果可以看出,我们在导出数据时没有显示指定导出样式 ,默认导出了JSON格式的数据。
[work@xxx mgdb]$ cat apple.json {"_id":{"$oid":"5fe1c25ad400293f29391e54"},"name":"igoodful"} {"_id":{"$oid":"5fe2e6cb03be46ef38ce5844"},"name":"guolicheng"}
mongoexport --host hostname --port 28000 --username user --authenticationDatabase admin --collection table_name --db db_name --out table_name.json
mongoexport --uri 'mongodb://user:password@hostname:28000/db_name?authsource=admin' --collection table_name --out table_name.json
mongoexport --db db_name --collection table_name --query '{"dept": "ABC", date: { $gte: { "$date": "2018-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" } }}'
--uri "mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2],...[,hostN[:portN]]][/[database][?options]]"
[work@hostname tmp]$ mongoimport --help
mongoimport <options> <file> Import CSV, TSV or JSON data into MongoDB. If no file is provided, mongoimport reads from stdin. See http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/program/mongoimport/ for more information. general options: --help print usage --version print the tool version and exit verbosity options: -v, --verbose=<level> more detailed log output (include multiple times for more verbosity, e.g. -vvvvv, or specify a numeric value, e.g. --verbose=N) --quiet hide all log output connection options: -h, --host=<hostname> mongodb host to connect to (setname/host1,host2 for replica sets) --port=<port> server port (can also use --host hostname:port) kerberos options: --gssapiServiceName=<service-name> service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos ('mongodb' by default) --gssapiHostName=<host-name> hostname to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos (remote server's address by default) ssl options: --ssl connect to a mongod or mongos that has ssl enabled --sslCAFile=<filename> the .pem file containing the root certificate chain from the certificate authority --sslPEMKeyFile=<filename> the .pem file containing the certificate and key --sslPEMKeyPassword=<password> the password to decrypt the sslPEMKeyFile, if necessary --sslCRLFile=<filename> the .pem file containing the certificate revocation list --sslAllowInvalidCertificates bypass the validation for server certificates --sslAllowInvalidHostnames bypass the validation for server name --sslFIPSMode use FIPS mode of the installed openssl library authentication options: -u, --username=<username> username for authentication -p, --password=<password> password for authentication --authenticationDatabase=<database-name> database that holds the user's credentials --authenticationMechanism=<mechanism> authentication mechanism to use namespace options: -d, --db=<database-name> database to use -c, --collection=<collection-name> collection to use uri options: --uri=mongodb-uri mongodb uri connection string input options: -f, --fields=<field>[,<field>]* comma separated list of fields, e.g. -f name,age --fieldFile=<filename> file with field names - 1 per line --file=<filename> file to import from; if not specified, stdin is used --headerline use first line in input source as the field list (CSV and TSV only) --jsonArray treat input source as a JSON array --parseGrace=<grace> controls behavior when type coercion fails - one of: autoCast, skipField, skipRow, stop (defaults to 'stop') (default: stop) --type=<type> input format to import: json, csv, or tsv (defaults to 'json') (default: json) --columnsHaveTypes indicated that the field list (from --fields, --fieldsFile, or --headerline) specifies types; They must be in the form of '<colName>.<type>(<arg>)'. The type can be one of: auto, binary, bool, date, date_go, date_ms, date_oracle, double, int32, int64, string. For each of the date types, the argument is a datetime layout string. For the binary type, the argument can be one of: base32, base64, hex. All other types take an empty argument. Only valid for CSV and TSV imports. e.g. zipcode.string(), thumbnail.binary(base64) ingest options: --drop drop collection before inserting documents --ignoreBlanks ignore fields with empty values in CSV and TSV --maintainInsertionOrder insert documents in the order of their appearance in the input source -j, --numInsertionWorkers=<number> number of insert operations to run concurrently (defaults to 1) (default: 1) --stopOnError stop importing at first insert/upsert error --mode=[insert|upsert|merge] insert: insert only. upsert: insert or replace existing documents. merge: insert or modify existing documents. defaults to insert --upsertFields=<field>[,<field>]* comma-separated fields for the query part when --mode is set to upsert or merge --writeConcern=<write-concern-specifier> write concern options e.g. --writeConcern majority, --writeConcern '{w: 3, wtimeout: 500, fsync: true, j: true}' --bypassDocumentValidation bypass document validation