# 分条件输出时,使用exists来限制条件输出,同时使用union来连接两个查询语句 with t1 as ( select er.*, ui.uid uuid, level from exam_record er right join user_info ui on er.uid=ui.uid ) select uuid, round(sum(score is null and start_time is not null),3) incomplete_cnt, round(avg(score is null and start_time is not null),3) incomplete_rate from t1 where exists ( select uuid from t1 where level = 0 group by uuid having sum(score is null) > 2 ) and level = 0 group by uuid union select uuid, round(sum(score is null and start_time is not null),3) incomplete_cnt, round(avg(score is null and start_time is not null),3) incomplete_rate from t1 where not exists ( select uuid from t1 where level = 0 group by uuid having sum(score is null) > 2 ) group by uuid having count(start_time)>0 order by incomplete_rate;