while True: try: strlist = input().split() l = len(strlist) key = ["reset", "reset board", "board add", "board delete", "reboot backplane", "backplane abort"] value = ["reset what", "board fault", "where to add", "no board at all", "impossible", "install first"] result = "unknown command" result1 = '' c = 0

    if l == 1:
        for i in key:
            if strlist[0] in i and len(i.split()) == 1:
                result = value[key.index(i)]
    elif l == 2:
        for i in key[1:]:
            a = i.split()
           # print(len(a), strlist[0], strlist[1])
           # print(a[0][:len(strlist[0])], a[0][:len(strlist[1])])
            if len(a) == 2 and strlist[0] == a[0][:len(strlist[0])] and strlist[1] == a[1][:len(strlist[1])]:
                result1 = value[key.index(i)]
                c += 1
        if c == 1:
            result = result1
