用一个global var记录LCA,然后dfs返回subtree里一共找到几个target。
如果两个都找到了 skip之后所有的backtrack(这个解法关键在于要确保LAC只被set一次)
time O(n), space O(h), where h is height of tree. \
import java.util.*;
* public class TreeNode {
* int val = 0;
* TreeNode left = null;
* TreeNode right = null;
* }
public class Solution {
int LCA = -1; // init no LCA
public int lowestCommonAncestor (TreeNode root, int o1, int o2) {
dfs(root, o1, o2);
return LCA;
// Return 2 if LCA, 1 if in path between LCA and o1/o2, 0 otherwise.
private int dfs(TreeNode root, int o1, int o2) {
// skip null or if LCA already found
if (root == null || LCA != -1) return 0;
int l = dfs(root.left, o1, o2);
int r = dfs(root.right, o1, o2);
// skip if LCA found in subtree.
if (LCA != -1) return 0;
int m = (root.val == o1 || root.val == o2) ? 1 : 0;
// 如果两个数都找到了 那么这个node就是LAC。
if (m + l + r == 2) LCA = root.val; // root is LCA
return m + l + r;