select t.user_id ,min( as first_buy_date ,max( as second_buy_date ,t.cnt from ( select user_id ,date ,rank() over(partition by user_id order by date) r_no ,count(*) over(partition by user_id) cnt from order_info where user_id in ( select user_id from order_info a where date>'2025-10-15' and product_name in ('C++','Java','Python') and status='completed' group by user_id having count(user_id)>=2 ) and product_name in ('C++','Java','Python') and status='completed' and date>'2025-10-15' ) t where t.r_no<=2 and t.cnt>=2 group by t.user_id order by t.user_id
思路:目前题目里写的行数最多的代码,中间套用79#牛客的课程订单分析(三)# 的代码,然后对日期和个人次数用了窗口函数,然后作为一个子查询嵌套到外部查询中,在外部查询的where条件中,选取的日期为前俩天,所以t.r_no<=2,既然要选俩个日期,所以至少需要俩行记录,即t.cnt>=2,然后分组排序就好。