#学习到的知识:isalpha(),islower(),isupper() s=input() def f1(s): if len(s)<=4: return 5 elif 5<=len(s)<=7: return 10 elif len(s)>=8: return 25 def f2(s): a=[0,0] b=0 c=0 for x in s: if x.islower(): a[0]+=1 elif x.isupper(): a[1]+=1 elif x.isdigit(): b+=1 elif int('0x21',16)<=ord(x)<=int('0x2F',16) or int('0x3A',16)<=ord(x)<=int('0x40',16) or int('0x5B',16)<=ord(x)<=int('0x60',16) or int('0x7B',16)<=ord(x)<=int('0x7E',16): c+=1 score=0 if sum(a)==0: score+=0 elif a[0]==0 or a[1]==0: score+=10 else: score+=20 if b==0: score+=0 elif b==1: score+=10 elif b>1: score+=20 if c==0: score+=0 elif c==1: score+=10 elif c>1: score+=25 if sum(a)!=0 and a[0]!=0 and a[1]!=0 and b!=0 and c!=0: score+=5 elif sum(a)!=0 and (a[0]==0 or a[1]==0) and b!=0 and c!=0: score+=3 elif sum(a)!=0 and b!=0 and c==0: score+=2 return score if f1(s)+f2(s) >= 90: print('VERY_SECURE') elif f1(s)+f2(s) >= 80: print('SECURE') elif f1(s)+f2(s) >= 70: print('VERY_STRONG') elif f1(s)+f2(s) >= 60: print('STRONG') elif f1(s)+f2(s) >= 50: print('AVERAGE') elif f1(s)+f2(s) >= 25: print('WEAK') else: print('VERY_WEAK')