Farmer John and Betsy are playing a game with N (1 <= N <= 30,000)identical cubes labeled 1 through N. They start with N stacks, each containing a single cube. Farmer John asks Betsy to perform P (1<= P <= 100,000) operation. There are two types of operations:
moves and counts.
* In a move operation, Farmer John asks Bessie to move the stack containing cube X on top of the stack containing cube Y.
* In a count operation, Farmer John asks Bessie to count the number of cubes on the stack with cube X that are under the cube X and report that value.
Write a program that can verify the results of the game.
moves and counts.
* In a move operation, Farmer John asks Bessie to move the stack containing cube X on top of the stack containing cube Y.
* In a count operation, Farmer John asks Bessie to count the number of cubes on the stack with cube X that are under the cube X and report that value.
Write a program that can verify the results of the game.
* Line 1: A single integer, P
* Lines 2..P+1: Each of these lines describes a legal operation. Line 2 describes the first operation, etc. Each line begins with a 'M' for a move operation or a 'C' for a count operation. For move operations, the line also contains two integers: X and Y.For count operations, the line also contains a single integer: X.
Note that the value for N does not appear in the input file. No move operation will request a move a stack onto itself.
* Lines 2..P+1: Each of these lines describes a legal operation. Line 2 describes the first operation, etc. Each line begins with a 'M' for a move operation or a 'C' for a count operation. For move operations, the line also contains two integers: X and Y.For count operations, the line also contains a single integer: X.
Note that the value for N does not appear in the input file. No move operation will request a move a stack onto itself.
Print the output from each of the count operations in the same order as the input file.
Sample Input
6 M 1 6 C 1 M 2 4 M 2 6 C 3 C 4
Sample Output
1 0 2
如 给出这个数据:
#include<cstdio> #include<iostream> #include<cstring> using namespace std; const int maxn=30010; int fa[maxn],son[maxn],deep[maxn]; void init() { for(int i=1;i<maxn;i++) { fa[i]=i; son[i]=1; deep[i]=0; } } int find(int x) { if(x==fa[x]) return x; int tmp=fa[x]; fa[x]=find(tmp); deep[x]+=deep[tmp];//fantasty return fa[x]; } void join(int a,int b)//amazing { int rt1=find(a); int rt2=find(b); if(rt1 != rt2) { fa[rt2]=rt1; deep[rt2]=son[rt1]; son[rt1]+=son[rt2]; } } int main() { int p; char op[5]; int a,b; int q; scanf("%d",&p); init(); for(int i=0;i<p;i++) { scanf("%s",op); if(op[0]=='M') { scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); join(a,b); } else { scanf("%d",&q); printf("%d\n",son[find(q)]-deep[q]-1); } } } /* 题意: 说是有n块砖,编号从1到n,有两种操作,第一是把含有x编号的那一堆砖放到含有编号y的那一堆砖的上面, 第二是查询编号为x的砖的下面有多少块砖。用count[x]表示下面有多少块砖。 现在需要把两堆砖合并,显然要用上并查集,可是普通的合并之后如何知道x的下面有多少块砖呢, 思考合并的过程,对于一堆砖,移动到另一堆砖上时,上面那一堆上每块砖的count[i]应该加上下面一堆砖的数量, 这个操作对于上面一堆砖的根来说是简单的,我使用uset[i]表示连通分量,舒适化时所有的uset[i]为-1,负数代表这个节点为根, 1代表这个连通分量的节点总数为1,以样例为例,首先将1放到6上面,即将6合并到1所在的连通分量中,合并的过程中我们知道两个信息, 第一是当前连通分量6->1的节点数量为2,6距离1的距离为1,同理,将2放到4上面,这个连通分量节点个数为2,,4到2的距离为1 最后,我们将包含6的这个连通分量合并到包含2的这个连通分量中, 此时连通分量数为4,曾经的6->1连通分量的根距离合并后的连通分量的根的距离为2,就是4->2的连通分量的节点数 说了半天有什么用处呢,经过上面这个过程, 我们知道了每一个节点到它第一次被合并时的那个根节点的距离,6->1的距离为1,1到4的距离为2,2到4的距离为1, 这样我们在查询4的下面有多少块砖时,直接用4(连通分量节点数)-(1+2)(6到根节点的距离)-1=2 **************************************************** 不用说肯定用并查集,貌似就是不进行路径压缩的无脑模拟?不对,500000个操作,30000艘船,不超时才怪! 那怎么办呢?一路径压缩战舰顺序就被改变,怎么才能在路径压缩的同时随时得知同一舰队中两艘战舰的位置? 输入是合并与询问两艘战舰之间的“距离”,遇到问题是路径压缩后“距离”(间隔战舰数量)变了,不压缩太慢了,那我们不就可以再开一个数组,存下需要的“距离”了吗?这个数组存的距离就是在路径压缩时变化了的那个:第i艘到第fa[i]艘之间的战舰数量,数组名就命名成front吧,因为路径压缩全部完成,即同一舰队中所有元素的fa[i]都等于这个舰队第一艘战舰时,front[i]=第i艘战舰前方有多少战舰(这么搞就像前缀和,路径压缩时可以一层一层地边压缩边修正下去)。 易知在还未进行路径压缩时对于同一舰队非第一艘战舰,front[i]=1,第一艘战舰front[i]=0(一个舰队的第一艘,不是编号为一的那艘),路径压缩首先不断向fa[i]走fa[i]=find(fa[i]),走到队首,fa[i]==i,front[i]=0不变,返回队首的编号,回溯至递归上一层,把队首的编号那么第二艘的front增加0就是1,为何是增加呢?因为前面说过完成路径压缩即find函数跑完后front[i]的值就是编号i的战舰前方有几艘战舰,路径压缩前则是到fa[i]的距离,一路径压缩,就相当于fa[i]直接越过front[fa[i]]艘战舰,从i的前一艘指向队首,fa[i]前进那么多,front[i]自然也要增加那么多,修改之后继续回溯,同理第三层front[i]+=front[fa[i]]……路径压缩完成。 合并时怎么办呢,定义合并函数uni(x,y)表示将x所在那列移到y所在那列后面(千万别搞反了),那么我们就要先找到两列的队首(依然用x、y存),像普通并查集那样fa[x]=y,然后维护front数组,这时遇到问题啦——front[y]要加多少呢?显然是x那列的战舰数,难道还要循环一遍统计一下吗?那太慢了,存下来吧,于是num[i]表示编号i这列的战舰总数(i是队首,不然每合并一次要修改的太多了,查询时num[i]时先find(i)找到队首吧),front[y]+=num[x],num[x]+=num[y],合并完成。 还有一个问题就是询问。对于一组询问ask(x,y),先找到他们的队首fx=find(x);fy=find(y);(顺便把路径压缩进行完全了,不用担心front[i]被重复增加了,路径压缩完全时front[fa[i]]==0,因为fa[i]就是队首呀),然后判断fx!=fy就输出-1,否则就输出abs(front[x]-front[y])-1(到队首的距离之差减一就是他们间隔距离)。 */