class Solution: def movingCount(self, threshold, rows, cols): # write code here if not threshold or not rows or not cols: return 0 # 定义每格标志位: 0代表没走过; 1代表走过 visited = [0]*(rows * cols) for row in range(rows): for col in range(cols): return self.movingCountCore(threshold, rows, cols, row, col, visited) # 数字数位求和函数 def digitSum(self, dig): re = 0 while dig: re = re + dig % 10 dig = dig // 10 return re # 递归回溯判断每步是否可行,并返回计数和累加 def movingCountCore(self, threshold, rows, cols, row, col, visited): count = 0 if 0 <= row < rows and 0 <= col < cols \ and self.digitSum(row) + self.digitSum(col) <= threshold \ and visited[row * cols + col] == 0: visited[row * cols + col] = 1 count = 1 + self.movingCountCore(threshold, rows, cols, row - 1, col, visited) \ + self.movingCountCore(threshold, rows, cols, row + 1, col, visited) \ + self.movingCountCore(threshold, rows, cols, row, col - 1, visited) \ + self.movingCountCore(threshold, rows, cols, row, col + 1, visited) return count