

select count(*) from
(select group_concat(distinct issue_type) s
from issue_tb ib,answer_tb at
where ib.issue_id=at.issue_id
group by author_id
having locate('Education',s)!=0 and locate('Career',s)!=0)a

方法二:使用with as创建临时表,从临时表中分别选出包含'Education'与'Career'的author_id,将两个author_id联合比较即可得出同时参加的人数

with x as (select distinct author_id,issue_type from 
issue_tb ib,answer_tb at
where ib.issue_id=at.issue_id)
select count(*) num from
(select distinct author_id s1 from x
where issue_type='Education')a join 
(select distinct author_id s2 from x
where issue_type='Career')b
on s1=s2


select count(*) num from
(select author_id,count(*) s from(
select issue_type,at.author_id from answer_tb at,issue_tb it
where at.issue_id=it.issue_id and (issue_type='Education' or issue_type='Career')
group by issue_type,author_id) a
group by author_id
having s>1)b


select count(distinct(author_id)) num
from answer_tb at1 ,issue_tb it
where at1.issue_id=it.issue_id and issue_type='Career' and
at1.author_id in
(select distinct(author_id) from answer_tb at,issue_tb it
where at.issue_id=it.issue_id and issue_type='Education')