def f(pq):
w10, w5, w2, w1 = 0, 0, 0, 0 # 记录已经找出的零钱
while pq > 0: # 循环直到找零完成
if pq >= 10 and dic_q['10'] >= 1: # 可以找10元时
pq -= 10 # 余额减10
w10 += 1 # 已经找出的零钱+1
dic_q['10'] -= 1 # 零钱10数量-1
elif pq >= 5 and dic_q['5'] >= 1: # 可以找5元时
pq -= 5
w5 += 1
dic_q['5'] -= 1
elif pq >= 2 and dic_q['2'] >= 1:
pq -= 2
w2 += 1
dic_q['2'] -= 1
elif pq >= 1 and dic_q['1'] >= 1:
pq -= 1
w1 += 1
dic_q['1'] -= 1
pq -= 1 # 耍赖,如果因零钱不足导致不能退币,则尽最大可能退币,以减少用户损失。
return pq, w1, w2, w5, w10
while True:
s = input().split(';')
dic_m = {'A1': 2, 'A2': 3, 'A3': 4, 'A4': 5, 'A5': 8, 'A6': 6} # 商品单价字典
dic_n = {'A1': 0, 'A2': 0, 'A3': 0, 'A4': 0, 'A5': 0, 'A6': 0} # 商品数量字典
dic_q = {'10': 0, '5': 0, '2': 0, '1': 0} # 零钱字典
pq = 0
for i in s[:-1]:
if i[0] == 'r': # 系统初始化,把商品数量和零钱放入字典
b = i.split()
m = b[1].split('-')
q = b[2].split('-')
dic_n['A1'], dic_n['A2'], dic_n['A3'], dic_n['A4'], dic_n['A5'], dic_n['A6'] = int(m[0]), int(m[1]), int(m[2]), int(m[3]), int(m[4]), int(m[5])
dic_q['1'], dic_q['2'], dic_q['5'], dic_q['10'] = int(q[0]), int(q[1]), int(q[2]), int(q[3])
print('S001:Initialization is successful')
elif i[0] == 'p': # 投币
pq1 = int(i.split()[1])
if pq1 not in [1, 2, 5, 10]: # 币值非法
print('E002:Denomination error')
elif pq1 not in [1, 2] and pq1 >= (dic_q['1'] + dic_q['2']*2): # 存钱盒中1元和2元面额钱币总额小于本次投入的钱币面额
print('E003:Change is not enough, pay fail')
elif dic_n['A1'] == 0 and dic_n['A2'] == 0 and dic_n['A3'] == 0 and dic_n['A4'] == 0 and dic_n['A5'] == 0 and dic_n['A6'] == 0: # 自动售货机中商品全部销售完毕
print('E005:All the goods sold out')
else :
dic_q[str(pq1)] += 1 # 字典对应币值零钱数量加一
pq += pq1 # 投币余额增加
print('S002:Pay success,balance={}'.format(pq))
elif i[0] == 'b': # 购买商品
bn = i.split()[1]
if bn not in dic_n.keys(): # 购买的商品不在商品列表中
print('E006:Goods does not exist')
elif dic_n[bn] == 0: # 所购买的商品的数量为0
print('E007:The goods sold out')
elif int(pq) < dic_m[bn]: # 投币余额小于待购买商品价格
print('E008:Lack of balance')
pq = int(pq) - dic_m[bn] # 余额相应减少
print('S003:Buy success,balance={}'.format(pq))
dic_n[bn] -= 1 # 贩卖机物品数量减一
elif i[0] == 'c':
if pq == 0: # 币余额等于0
print('E009:Work failure')
else: # 按照退币原则进行“找零”
pq, w1, w2, w5, w10= f(pq) # f()函数实现过程
print('1 yuan coin number={}'.format(w1))
print('2 yuan coin number={}'.format(w2))
print('5 yuan coin number={}'.format(w5))
print('10 yuan coin number={}'.format(w10))
elif i[0] == 'q': # 查询功能
if ' ' not in i: # 给出的案例中q1之间无空格,非标准输入。为了过示例添加
print('E010:Parameter error')
elif i.split()[1] not in ['0', '1']: # “查询类别”参数错误
print('E010:Parameter error')
elif i.split()[1] == '0': # 查询类别0
print('A1 2 {}'.format(dic_n['A1']))
print('A2 3 {}'.format(dic_n['A2']))
print('A3 4 {}'.format(dic_n['A3']))
print('A4 5 {}'.format(dic_n['A4']))
print('A5 8 {}'.format(dic_n['A5']))
print('A6 6 {}'.format(dic_n['A6']))
elif i.split()[1] == '1': # 查询类别1
print('1 yuan coin number={}'.format(dic_q['1']))
print('2 yuan coin number={}'.format(dic_q['2']))
print('5 yuan coin number={}'.format(dic_q['5']))
print('10 yuan coin number={}'.format(dic_q['10']))