# # 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 # # # @param a int整型一维数组 # @param n int整型 # @param K int整型 # @return int整型 # class Solution: def findKth(self , a: List[int], n: int, K: int) -> int: # write code here def quickSort(a, start, end): if start >= end: return l = start r = end target = a[l] while l < r: while l < r and a[r] > target: r -= 1 a[l] = a[r] while l < r and a[l] <= target: l += 1 a[r] = a[l] a[l] = target # 第k大的元素,转为升序排列的元素a[n-K] if l == n-K: return target elif l < n-K: quickSort(a, l+1, end) elif l > n-K: quickSort(a, start, l-1) quickSort(a, 0, n-1) return a[n-K]