
Let f x = c 2 x 6 f x 1 f x 2 f x 3 f_{x} = c^{2x-6} \cdot f_{x-1} \cdot f_{x-2} \cdot f_{x-3} fx=c2x6fx1fx2fx3 for x 4 x \geq 4 x4
You have given integers n n n, f 1 f_1 f1, f 2 f_2 f2, f 3 f_3 f3, and c c c. Find f n <mtext>   </mtext> m o d <mtext>   </mtext> ( 1 0 9 + 7 ) f_n ~mod~(10^9+7) fn mod (109+7).


The only line contains five integers n n n, f 1 f_1 f1, f 2 f_2 f2, f 3 f_3 f3, and c c c ( 4 n 1 0 18 , 1 f 1 , f 2 , f 3 , c 1 0 9 4≤n≤10^{18}, 1≤f_1, f_2, f_3, c≤10^9 4n1018,1f1,f2,f3,c109).


Print f n <mtext>   </mtext> m o d <mtext>   </mtext> ( 1 0 9 + 7 ) {f_n~mod~(10^9+7)} fn mod (109+7).



5 1 2 5 3




17 97 41 37 11




l n f x = ( 2 x 6 ) l n c + l n f x 1 + l n f x 2 + l n f x 3 lnf_x=(2x-6)\cdot lnc +lnf_{x-1}+lnf_{x-2}+lnf_{x-3} lnfx=(2x6)lnc+lnfx1+lnfx2+lnfx3
( <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> l n f n </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> l n f n 1 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> l n f n 2 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> ( 2 n 4 ) l n c </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> l n c </mstyle> ) = ( <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> l n f n 1 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> l n f n 2 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> l n f n 3 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> ( 2 n 6 ) l n c </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> l n c </mstyle> ) ( <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 1 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 1 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 0 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 0 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 0 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 1 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 0 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 1 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 0 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 0 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 1 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 0 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 0 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 0 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 0 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 1 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 0 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 0 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 1 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 0 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 0 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 0 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 0 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 2 </mstyle> <mstyle displaystyle="false" scriptlevel="0"> 1 </mstyle> ) \left( \begin{matrix} lnf_n&lnf_{n-1}&lnf_{n-2}&(2n-4)lnc&lnc \end{matrix} \right)= \left( \begin{matrix} lnf_{n-1}&lnf_{n-2}&lnf_{n-3}&(2n-6)lnc&lnc \end{matrix} \right) \left( \begin{matrix} 1&1&0&0&0\\ 1&0&1&0&0\\ 1&0&0&0&0\\ 1&0&0&1&0\\ 0&0&0&2&1 \end{matrix} \right) (lnfnlnfn1lnfn2(2n4)lnclnc)=(lnfn1lnfn2lnfn3(2n6)lnclnc)1111010000010000001200001
注意矩阵快速幂取模的时候是对 φ ( 1 e 9 + 7 ) \varphi(1e9+7) φ(1e9+7) 1 e 9 + 6 1e9+6 1e9+6 取模(欧拉定理


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define LL long long
#define mem(p) memset(&p, 0, sizeof(p))
using namespace std;
const int mod = 1e9 + 7;
const int modd = 1e9 + 6;
struct mat{
	LL a[5][5], r, c;
LL n, f1, f2, f3, c;
mat mul(mat x, mat y){
	mat p;
	LL i, j, k;
	for(i = 0; i < x.r; i++){
		for(j = 0; j < y.c; j++){
			for(k = 0; k < x.c; k++)
				p.a[i][j] = (p.a[i][j] + x.a[i][k] * y.a[k][j] % modd) % modd;
	p.r = x.r;
	p.c = y.c;
	return p;
LL KSM(LL a, LL b, LL p){
	LL s = 1;
		if(b % 2) s = s * a % mod;
		a = a * a % mod;
		b /= 2;
	return s;
LL ksm(LL b){
	mat ans, p;
	p.a[0][0] = p.a[1][0] = p.a[2][0] = p.a[3][0] = p.a[0][1] = p.a[1][2] = p.a[3][3]
	= p.a[4][4] = 1;
	p.a[4][3] = 2;
	p.c = p.r = 5;
	ans = p;
	while(b > 0ll){
		if(b % 2) ans = mul(ans, p);
		p = mul(p, p);
		b /= 2;
	//printf("%lld %lld %lld %lld\n", ans.a[3][0] * 2 + ans.a[4][0], ans.a[2][0], ans.a[1][0], ans.a[0][0]);
	return KSM(c, (ans.a[3][0] * 2 % modd + ans.a[4][0]) % modd, mod) * KSM(f1, ans.a[2][0], mod) % mod * KSM(f2, ans.a[1][0], mod) % mod * KSM(f3, ans.a[0][0], mod) % mod;
int main(){
	int i, j, m;
	scanf("%lld%lld%lld%lld%lld", &n, &f1, &f2, &f3, &c);
	printf("%lld", (ksm(n - 4) % mod + mod) % mod);
	return 0;