class IpMask:

    def __init__(self, ip_mask):
        self.ip_mask = ip_mask.strip()
        self.d1 = dict.fromkeys('abcdefg', 0)

    def __ip(self):
        return self.ip_mask.split("~")[0]

    def __mask(self):
        return self.ip_mask.split("~")[1]

    def __convert_bin(im):
        if im is not None:
            im_bin = bin(int(im))[2:]
            if len(im_bin) < 8:
                im_bin = '0' * (8 - len(im_bin)) + im_bin
            return im_bin

    def validate_mask(self):
        mask_bin: 二进制的子网掩码
        mask_bin = "".join([self.__convert_bin(im) for im in self.__mask().split(".")])
        if "0" not in mask_bin or "1" not in mask_bin or "1" in mask_bin[mask_bin.find('0')+1:]:
            self.d1['f'] += 1
            return False
        return True

    def validate_ip(self):
        ip1 = self.__ip()
        p1, *num = ip1.split(".")
        # 每一位必须存在,不能为空;首位必须在1-255之间,其余的在0到255之间
        t = list(map(lambda x: len(x) < 1, ip1.split(".")))
        if p1 == '127' or p1 == '0':
            return False
            if any(t) or not 1 <= int(p1) <= 255 or not all([True for i in num if 0 <= int(i) <= 255]):
                self.d1['f'] += 1
                return False
        return True

    def ip_classify(self):
        if self.validate_ip() and self.validate_mask():
            ip2 = self.__ip()
            p1, *num1 = ip2.split(".")
            p1_bin = self.__convert_bin(p1)
            if p1_bin.startswith('1111'):
                self.d1['e'] += 1
            elif p1_bin.startswith('111'):
                self.d1['d'] += 1
            elif p1_bin.startswith('110'):
                self.d1['c'] += 1
                if ip2.startswith('192.168'):
                    self.d1['g'] += 1
            elif p1_bin.startswith('10'):
                self.d1['b'] += 1
                if ip2.startswith('172') and 16 <= int(num1[0]) <= 31:
                    self.d1['g'] += 1
            elif p1_bin.startswith('0'):
                self.d1['a'] += 1
                if p1 == '10':
                    self.d1['g'] += 1
import sys
dd = {}
for line in sys.stdin:
    ip_mask = line.strip()
    ipm = IpMask(ip_mask)
    for key, value in ipm.d1.items():
        if key in dd:
            dd[key] += value
            dd[key] = value
for key, value in dd.items():
    print(value,end=" ")