
(健康记录信息化)在这个练习题中, 要为一个人设计一个HealthPr0file 类。这个类的属性包括人的姓名、性别、出生日期(由年、月、日单独的属性组成)、身高( 以英寸为单位)、体重( 以磅为单位) 。你的类应包括一个构造函数,用来接收这些信息。对每个属性,都提供一个set 函数和get 函数。这个类也应当有计算和返回用户年龄、最大心率、目标心率范围( 见练习题3 .16 )、身体质量指数(BMI ;见练习题2 .30)的函数。编写一个应用程序, 它提示输人用户信息, 为这个用户初始化一个HealthProfile 类的对象, 并用这个对象打印信息, 包括该用户的姓、名、性别、出生日期、身高、体重等信息, 然后计算并返回该用户的年龄、BMI 、最大心率和目标心率范围。它也应该显示练习题2 . 30 中"BMI 值” 的图表。使用与练习题3 .16 相同的方法来计算用户的年龄。


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class HealthProfile
	HealthProfile(string LastName, string FirstName, string Sex, int yy,
		int mm, int dd, int Height, int Weight)
		lastName = LastName;
		firstName = FirstName;
		sex = Sex;
		birth.YY = yy;
		birth.MM = mm;
		birth.DD = dd;
		height = Height;
		weight = Weight;
	string getLastName()
		return lastName;
	void setLastName(string LastName)
		lastName = LastName;
	string getFirstName()
		return firstName;
	void setFirstName(string FirstName)
		firstName = FirstName;
	string getSex()
		return sex;
	void setSex(string Sex)
		sex = Sex;
	int getYY()
		return birth.YY;
	void setYY(int yy)
		birth.YY = yy;
	int getMM()
		return birth.MM;
	void setMM(int mm)
		birth.MM = mm;
	int getDD()
		return birth.DD;
	void setDD(int dd)
		birth.DD = dd;
	int getHeight()
		return height;
	void setHeight(int Height)
		height = Height;
	int getWeight()
		return weight;
	void setWeight(int Weight)
		weight = Weight;
	int getAge()
		struct tm t; //tm结构指针
		time_t rawTime; //声明time_t类型变量
		time(&rawTime); //获取系统日期和时间
		localtime_s(&t, &rawTime); //获取当地日期和时间
		/*printf("年:%d\n", t.tm_year + 1900); printf("月:%d\n", t.tm_mon + 1); printf("日:%d\n", t.tm_mday);*/
		int age = t.tm_year + 1900 - birth.YY;
		if (t.tm_mon + 1 < birth.MM)
		else if (birth.MM == t.tm_mon + 1)
			if (t.tm_mday < birth.DD)
		return age;
	int getMaxHeartRate()
		return 220 - getAge();
	struct Bound {
		double lower;
		double upper;
	Bound getTargetHeartRate()
		bound.lower = 0.5 * getMaxHeartRate();;
		bound.upper = 0.85 * getMaxHeartRate();;
		return bound;
	double getBMI()
		return weight / pow(height, 2) * 703;
	string lastName;
	string firstName;
	string sex;
	struct Birth
		int YY;
		int MM;
		int DD;
	int height;
	int weight;
int main()
	string lastName, firstName, sex;
	int YY, MM, DD, height, weight;
	cout << "Input your first name: ";
	cin >> firstName;
	cout << "Input your last name: ";
	cin >> lastName;
	cout << "Input your sex: ";
	cin >> sex;
	cout << "Input your year of birth: ";
	cin >> YY;
	cout << "Input your month of birth: ";
	cin >> MM;
	cout << "Input your date of birth: ";
	cin >> DD;
	cout << "Input your height: ";
	cin >> height;
	cout << "Input your weight: ";
	cin >> weight;
	HealthProfile healthProfile(lastName, firstName, sex, YY, MM, DD, height, 
	cout << "Your age: " << healthProfile.getAge() << endl;
	cout << "Your BMI: " << healthProfile.getBMI() << endl;
	cout << "your max heart rate: " << healthProfile.getMaxHeartRate() << endl;
	cout << "Your target heart rate: " 
		<< healthProfile.getTargetHeartRate().lower << " - " 
		<< healthProfile.getTargetHeartRate().upper << endl;