with t as (
select product_id,order_id,date(event_time) as dt,shop_id
from tb_order_detail #order_id is not null,左连接选出的店铺和product_id都是有销量的
left join tb_order_overall using(order_id)
left join tb_product_info using(product_id)
#where order_id is not null
order by dt
select distinct t1.dt as dt,round(sale_cnt1/cnt,3) as sale_rate,round(1-sale_cnt1/cnt,3) as unsale_rate
from t
left join (
select '2021-10-01' as dt,
count(distinct if(shop_id='901',product_id,null)) as sale_cnt1
from t
where datediff('2021-10-01',dt)<=6 and datediff('2021-10-01',dt)>=0
union all
select '2021-10-02' as dt,
count(distinct if(shop_id='901',product_id,null)) as sale_cnt1
from t
where datediff('2021-10-02',dt)<=6 and datediff('2021-10-02',dt)>=0
union all
select '2021-10-03' as dt,
count(distinct if(shop_id='901',product_id,null)) as sale_cnt1
from t
where datediff('2021-10-03',dt)<=6 and datediff('2021-10-03',dt)>=0
) as t1 using(dt)
left join (select '2021-10-01' as dt,count(product_id) as cnt
from tb_product_info
where date(release_time)<='2021-10-01' and shop_id='901'
union all
select '2021-10-02' as dt,count(product_id) as cnt
from tb_product_info
where date(release_time)<='2021-10-02' and shop_id='901'
union all
select '2021-10-03' as dt,count(product_id) as cnt
from tb_product_info
where date(release_time)<='2021-10-03' and shop_id='901') as t2 using(dt)
where t1.dt between '2021-10-01' and '2021-10-03' and t.dt is not null #保证设定的三个日期一定是有卖出产品的日期
order by dt