The cows have once again tried to form a startup company, failing to remember from past experience that cows make terrible managers!
The cows, conveniently numbered , organize the company as a tree, with cow 1 as the president (the root of the tree). Each cow except the president has a single manager (its "parent" in the tree). Each cow i has a distinct proficiency rating, p(i), which describes how good she is at her job. If cow i is an ancestor (e.g., a manager of a manager of a manager) of cow j, then we say j is a subordinate of i.
Unfortunately, the cows find that it is often the case that a manager has less proficiency than several of her subordinates, in which case the manager should consider promoting some of her subordinates. Your task is to help the cows figure out when this is happening. For each cow i in the company, please count the number of subordinates j where p(j)>p(i).
The first line of input contains N.The next N lines of input contain the proficiency ratings p(1)…p(N) for the cows. Each is a distinct integer in the range 1…1,000,000,000.The next N−1 lines describe the manager (parent) for cows 2…N. Recall that cow 1 has no manager, being the president.
Please print N lines of output. The ith line of output should tell the number of subordinates of cow i with higher proficiency than cow i.
解法一: 树状数组 / 线段树 + dfs
对能力值开一个权值线段树((范围较大 ,加一个离散化))。
对于每个节点 ,在线段树中查询数值大于 的数的个数,再对于点 所有儿子节点的权值都进行一次【单点修改】操作,将它们都加入进去,再一次进行同样的查询,用其减去前面查询的结果就得到变化量 ∆,即刚刚加入的这个儿子所统领的树((包括它自己))中能力大于 的牛的数量,即。树状数组可用同样的思路。
#include<algorithm> #include<cstdio> #define pl p<<1//左段儿子的编号 #define pr p<<1|1//右段儿子的编号 #define Re register int #define F(a,b) for(i=a;i<=b;++i) const int N=1e5+3; int x,i,n,t,Q[N],ip[N],ans[N],nex[N],head[N],tree[N<<2]; struct A{int x,i;bool operator<(A b)const{return x<b.x;};}a[N]; //【重载"<"运算符】自己动手,丰衣足食... inline void add(Re x,Re y){Q[++t]=y,nex[t]=head[x],head[x]=t;}//数组维护一个链表 inline void in(Re &x){//【快读】自己动手,丰衣足食... x=0;char c=getchar(); while(c<'0'||c>'9')c=getchar(); while(c>='0'&&c<='9')x=(x<<1)+(x<<3)+(c^48),c=getchar(); } inline void change(Re p,Re x,Re L,Re R){ //【单点修改】每个人仅有一个能力值,所以是单点修改 if(L==R){++tree[p];return;}//单点修改的边界:L==R Re mid=L+R>>1; if(x<=mid)change(pl,x,L,mid);//注意:单点修改中,进入递归函数的前提:x<=mid else change(pr,x,mid+1,R);//x>mid tree[p]=tree[pl]+tree[pr];//递归完子树后更新 } inline int ask(Re p,Re l,Re r,Re L,Re R){//【区间查询】 if(l<=L&&R<=r)return tree[p];//区间查询的边界: l<=L&&R<=r Re ans=0,mid=L+R>>1; if(l<=mid)ans+=ask(pl,l,r,L,mid);//注意区间查询中,进入递归函数的前提:l<=mid if(r>mid)ans+=ask(pr,l,r,mid+1,R);//r>mid return ans; } inline void dfs(Re x){//搜索遍历树 ans[x]-=ask(1,ip[x]+1,n,1,n);//这里计算出的是其他节点的数据,要减去 for(Re i=head[x];i;i=nex[i])dfs(Q[i]);//先让儿子更新线段树【单点修改】 ans[x]+=ask(1,ip[x]+1,n,1,n); //查询大于当前这个点x的等级的一共有多少个【区间查询】,再减去原先的 change(1,ip[x],1,n);//让当前这个点x的等级进行【单点修改】 } int main(){ in(n); F(1,n)in(a[i].x),a[i].i=i; std::sort(a+1,a+n+1);//【离散化】依据每个人的能力p(i)排出他们的等级 F(1,n)ip[a[i].i]=i;//用ip[]记录下每个点的等级 F(2,n)in(x),add(x,i);//链表建树,实现从根节点到儿子叶节点的遍历 dfs(1);//从没有上司的根节点1开始遍历 F(1,n)printf("%d\n",ans[i]); }(树状数组)
#include<algorithm> #include<cstdio> #define Re register int #define F(a,b) for(i=a;i<=b;++i) const int N=1e5+3; int x,i,n,t,C[N],Q[N],ip[N],ans[N],nex[N],head[N]; struct A{int x,i;bool operator<(A b)const{return x<b.x;};}a[N]; inline void add(Re x,Re y){Q[++t]=y,nex[t]=head[x],head[x]=t;} inline void in(Re &x){ x=0;char c=getchar(); while(c<'0'||c>'9')c=getchar(); while(c>='0'&&c<='9')x=(x<<1)+(x<<3)+(c^48),c=getchar(); } inline void addx(Re x){while(x<=n)++C[x],x+=x&(-x);} inline int ask(Re x){int ans=0;while(x)ans+=C[x],x-=x&(-x);return ans;} inline void dfs(Re x){ ans[x]-=ask(n)-ask(ip[x]); for(Re i=head[x];i;i=nex[i])dfs(Q[i]); ans[x]+=ask(n)-ask(ip[x]); addx(ip[x]); } int main(){ in(n); F(1,n)in(a[i].x),a[i].i=i; std::sort(a+1,a+n+1); F(1,n)ip[a[i].i]=i; F(2,n)in(x),add(x,i); dfs(1); F(1,n)printf("%d\n",ans[i]); }
对于 个点每个点都开一个权值线段树。对公司上司下属关系形成的树进行遍历,对于每个节点 ,将它所有儿子的权值线段树合并到 ( 用 表示节点 所对应的权值线段树的根节点编号),然后在 中查询数值大于 的数的个数即为 。
#include<algorithm> #include<cstdio> #define pl tr[p].lp//左段儿子的编号 #define pr tr[p].rp//右段儿子的编号 #define Re register int #define F(a,b) for(i=a;i<=b;++i) const int N=1e5+3; int x,i,n,t,cnt,Q[N],pt[N],ip[N],ans[N],nex[N],head[N]; struct QAQ{int g,lp,rp,L,R;}tr[N*18];//这里的空间消耗要注意,开太小死活过不了 struct A{int x,i;bool operator<(A b)const{return x<b.x;};}a[N]; //【重载"<"运算符】自己动手,丰衣足食... inline void add(Re x,Re y){Q[++t]=y,nex[t]=head[x],head[x]=t;}//数组维护一个链表 inline void in(Re &x){//【快读】自己动手,丰衣足食... x=0;char c=getchar(); while(c<'0'||c>'9')c=getchar(); while(c>='0'&&c<='9')x=(x<<1)+(x<<3)+(c^48),c=getchar(); } inline void change(Re p,Re x){//【单点修改】(虽然在这道题中没什么用) Re L=tr[p].L,R=tr[p].R;//把编号为p的这个区间所覆盖的范围L,R提出来 if(L==R){++tr[p].g;return;}//单修的递归边界:L==R Re mid=L+R>>1; if(x<=mid)change(pl,x);//注意:单修中进入递归函数的前提:x<=mid else change(pr,x);//x>mid tr[p].g=tr[pl].g+tr[pr].g;//递归完子树后更新 } inline void creat(Re &p,Re x,Re L,Re R){//建立线段树 tr[p=++cnt].L=L,tr[p].R=R;//动态开点,并记录新编号子树所覆盖的区间范围L,R if(L==R){tr[p].g=1;return;}//建立线段树时是一个点一个点的建,所以边界类似于单修 Re mid=L+R>>1; if(x<=mid)creat(pl,x,L,mid);//递归进入前提也类似于单修 else creat(pr,x,mid+1,R); tr[p].g=tr[pl].g+tr[pr].g;//递归完子树后更新 } inline int merge(Re p,Re q){//【线段树合并】 if(!p)return q;if(!q)return p; //当需要合并的点的其中一个编号为0时 (即为空),返回另一个编号 tr[p].g+=tr[q].g,p;//把q合并到p上面去 pl=merge(pl,tr[q].lp);//分别合并左子树,右子树 pr=merge(pr,tr[q].rp); return p; } inline int ask(Re p,Re l,Re r){//【区间查询】 if(!p)return 0; Re L=tr[p].L,R=tr[p].R; if(l<=L&&R<=r)return tr[p].g;//区间查询的边界: l<=L&&R<=r Re ans=0,mid=L+R>>1; if(l<=mid)ans+=ask(pl,l,r);//注意区间查询中,进入递归函数的前提:l<=mid if(r>mid)ans+=ask(pr,l,r);//r>mid return ans; } inline void dfs(Re x){//搜索遍历树 for(Re i=head[x];i;i=nex[i]){ dfs(Q[i]);//先完善儿子的线段树 merge(pt[x],pt[Q[i]]);//把儿子合并进来 } ans[x]=ask(pt[x],ip[x]+1,n); //查询大于当前这个点x的等级的一共有多少个【区间查询】,再减去原先的 } int main(){ in(n); F(1,n)in(a[i].x),a[i].i=i; std::sort(a+1,a+n+1);//【离散化】依据每个人的能力p(i)排出他们的等级 F(1,n)ip[a[i].i]=i,creat(pt[a[i].i],i,1,n); //用ip[]记录下每个点的等级,并建立线段树 //【注意】:进入建树时的编号是原本输入时的编号即a[i].i F(2,n)in(x),add(x,i);//链表建搜索树,实现从根节点到儿子叶节点的遍历 dfs(1);//从没有上司的根节点1开始遍历 F(1,n)printf("%d\n",ans[i]); }