#include<unordered_map> using namespace std; struct NodeList { int key, val; NodeList* pre; NodeList* next; NodeList() { key = 0; val = 0; pre = nullptr; next = nullptr; } NodeList(int key1, int val1) { val = val1; key = key1; pre = nullptr; next = nullptr; } }; class Solution { private: unordered_map<int, NodeList* >Unmap; NodeList* head; NodeList* tail; int n = 0; int cap; public: /** * lru design * @param operators int整型vector<vector<>> the ops * @param k int整型 the k * @return int整型vector */ vector<int> ans; vector<int> LRU(vector<vector<int> >& operators, int k) { // write code hereint i; if (k < 1) return {}; this->cap = k; head = new NodeList(); tail = new NodeList(); head->next = tail; tail->pre = head; int m = operators.size(); if (m == 0) return {}; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { if (operators[i][0] == 1) put(operators[i][1], operators[i][2]); if (operators[i][0] == 2) get(operators[i][1]); } return ans; } void Remove(NodeList* node) {//移除结点 node->pre->next = node->next; node->next->pre = node->pre; } NodeList* RemoveTail() {//如果数据数目超过限定,移除尾结点的前驱结点 NodeList* node = tail->pre; Remove(node); return node; } void AddToHead(NodeList* node) {//将新结点加到头节点之后 node->next = head->next; head->next->pre = node; head->next = node; node->pre = head; } void MoveToHead(NodeList* node) {//将最近使用过的最新的结点移到头结点之后 Remove(node);//将结点从原位置移除 AddToHead(node); } void get(int key) { if (!Unmap.count(key))//如果不存在,则将-1放入ans中 ans.push_back(-1); else { MoveToHead(Unmap[key]);//查找到则更新为最新的结点 ans.push_back(Unmap[key]->val); } } void put(int key, int val1) { if (Unmap.find(key) != Unmap.end()) {//查找到,则将val值更改 Unmap[key]->val = val1; MoveToHead(Unmap[key]); } else { NodeList* node = new NodeList(key, val1); Unmap[key] = node; AddToHead(node); n++; } if (n > cap) {//数据数目超过限制 NodeList* removed = RemoveTail(); Unmap.erase(removed->key);//将Unmap中的key值移除 delete removed; n--; } } };