给定一个链表和一个特定值 x,对链表进行分隔,使得所有小于 x 的节点都在大于或等于 x 的节点之前。
输入: head = 1->4->3->2->5->2, x = 3
输出: 1->2->2->4->3->5
二、解题思路 & 代码
class Solution(object):
def partition(self, head, x):
# before and after are the two pointers used to create two list
# before_head and after_head are used to save the heads of the two lists.
# All of these are initialized with the dummy nodes created.
before = before_head = ListNode(0)
after = after_head = ListNode(0)
while head:
# If the original list node is lesser than the given x,
# assign it to the before list.
if head.val < x:
before.next = head
before = before.next
# If the original list node is greater or equal to the given x,
# assign it to the after list.
after.next = head
after = after.next
# move ahead in the original list
head = head.next
# Last node of "after" list would also be ending node of the reformed list
after.next = None
# Once all the nodes are correctly assigned to the two lists,
# combine them to form a single list which would be returned.
before.next = after_head.next
return before_head.next
- 时间复杂度: O(N),其中N是原链表的长度,我们对该链表进行了遍历。
- 空间复杂度: O(1),我们没有申请任何新空间。值得注意的是,我们只移动了原有的结点,因此没有使用任何额外空间。