Problem Description
Blockchain technology is used in many digital currency systems, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. In this technology, distributed users share a common list of records (called the chain), and a user has the right to add a new record to the chain by solving a mathematical problem. This process is called mining. The i-*** company has developed up a new digital currency system, called the ICPC (I-*** Coins for the Public Currency). In the ICPC system, its mathematical problem for mining is as follows. Given positive integer nn, the problem asks one to find the largest integer aa such that
\dfrac{1}{n}=\dfrac{1}{a\oplus b}+\dfrac{1}{b}n1=a⊕b1+b1, for some positive integer bb
where \oplus⊕ is the bitwise exclusive-or operator. For example, for n = 12n=12, its solution is a = 145a=145. In this case, b = 13b=13 and thus a ⊕ b = 145 ⊕ 13 = 10010001_2 ⊕ 1101_2 = 100111002 = 156a⊕b=145⊕13=100100012⊕11012=100111002=156. Accordingly,
\dfrac{1}{a\oplus b}+\dfrac{1}{b}=\dfrac{1}{156}+\dfrac{1}{13}=\dfrac{1}{12}a⊕b1+b1=1561+131=121
You are an ambitious programmer, and you want to mine a lot of digital coins from this system in a short time. Please write a program to find the largest aa for each nn in order to earn the rewards from ICPC.
Input Format
The first line of the input file contains exactly one positive integer TT that gives you the number of test cases. In the following TT lines, each line corresponds to one test case and specifies the integer nn.
Output Format
For each test case, output the largest number aa in one line.
Technical Specification
- 1 ≤ T ≤ 201≤T≤20
- 0 < n ≤ 10^70<n≤107
3 6 7 10
45 48 101
3 1 2 7777777
0 5 60493819864864
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
const int mod = 1e9 + 7;
const double eps = 1e-8;
const int N = 1e3 + 10;
int main()
ll t, n, ans;
scanf("%lld", &t);
scanf("%lld", &n);
ans = n * (n + 1);
ans = ans ^ (n + 1);
cout << ans << endl;
return 0;