# 查询SQL试卷得分中不小于该类试卷平均得分的分数
select score 
from exam_record er
inner join examination_info ei
on er.exam_id=ei.exam_id
where tag='SQL'
and score >= (
    select avg(score) 
    from exam_record er
    inner join examination_info ei
    on er.exam_id=ei.exam_id
    where tag='SQL'
# 排序查询出来的不低于平均得分的分数,并取出最小值----(完整代码)
select min(score) min_score_over_avg
from (
    select score 
    from exam_record er
    inner join examination_info ei
    on er.exam_id=ei.exam_id
    where tag='SQL'
    and score >= (
        select avg(score) 
        from exam_record er
        inner join examination_info ei
        on er.exam_id=ei.exam_id
        where tag='SQL'
) k1;