
Miceren wants to occupy some cities here. Each city has a value . (Notice that the value of a city may be negative. Nevertheless, Miceren wants to occupied this city.)

As some usual stories, someone named Cloud wants to "steal" some cities from Miceren.

At the beginning, Miceren and Cloud don't occupy any city.

In the following days, one of three events may happen

Miceren will walk from the a-th city to the b-th city and all cities visited in this trip will belong to Miceren. ()

Cloud will steal the x-th city. If Miceren occupied the x-th city before, Miceren will lost the control of this city. ()

Miceren will occupy the subtree rooted at x.()

As Miceren's friend, you must tell Miceren the total value of all cities which belong to Miceren after each day.

Input The first line contains a single integer , indicating the number of test cases.

Each test case begin with one integer , indicating the number of cities in HY.

The next line contains integer , indicating the value of each city.

The next lines contain the details of the roads. Each line contains two integers meaning that there is a road between cities and .

The next line contains one integer .

The next lines contain the details of event. If the format is "1 a b", it means the first event happened where Miceren walks from a-th city to b-th city. If the format is “2 x”, it means the second event happened where Cloud "steal"s the x-th city. Otherwise the format is “3 x” and the third event happened where Micron occupied the subtree rooted at x.

is about 100.

The ratio of test cases with is less than 5%.

Output For each test queries, print the answer.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
1 2
1 3
2 4
2 5
5 9
5 10
3 6
3 7
3 8
1 10 4
1 9 7
2 5
3 4
2 4
1 6 10
Sample Output



对于操作一,采用树上操作即可,即每次从x跳到top[x]直到x与y在同一条链上。 对于操作二,直接update。 对于操作三,每个子树的dfn是连续的,所以可以直接update。


using namespace std;

#define length 100005
int d[length];//深度
int f[length];//父亲
int Size[length];//以X为根的子树的大小
int son[length];//表示X的儿子
int top[length];//表示x所在的重链的顶端

int head[length];//,head[i] 存储以 i 为起点的第1条边的下标

int dfn = 0, Nid[length], Oid[length];//记录访问序

struct edge
	int to;
	//int w;
	int nex;
}e[length * 2];

struct point
	int val;
	int tag;
	int active;
}segtree[length * 4];

int A[length];

int T, N, Q;

void pushup(int rt)
	segtree[rt].val = segtree[rt * 2].val + segtree[rt * 2 + 1].val;
	segtree[rt].active = segtree[rt * 2].active + segtree[rt * 2 + 1].active;

void build(int l, int r, int rt)
	segtree[rt].tag = 0;
	segtree[rt].active = 0;

	if (l == r)
		segtree[rt].val = A[Oid[l]];//刚开始写成了Nid,出了几次错误,Nid为i映射到dfn,Oid为dfn映射到i。
	int m = (l + r) / 2;

	build(l, m, rt * 2);
	build(m + 1, r, rt * 2 + 1);

void pushdown(int rt, int ln, int rn)
	if (segtree[rt].tag)
		segtree[rt * 2].tag = segtree[rt].tag;
		segtree[rt * 2 + 1].tag = segtree[rt].tag;

		segtree[rt * 2].active = segtree[rt * 2].val;
		segtree[rt * 2 + 1].active = segtree[rt * 2 + 1].val;

		segtree[rt].tag = 0;//特别注意:记得把标记清零。若标记不清零,此次残留的标记将会影响下次的更新。



void update(int L, int R, int C, int l, int r, int rt)
	if (L <= l&&r <= R)
		segtree[rt].tag = C;

		if (segtree[rt].tag)
			segtree[rt].active = segtree[rt].val;
			segtree[rt].active = 0;

	int m = (l + r) / 2;

	pushdown(rt, m - l + 1, r - m);

	if (L <= m)update(L, R, C, l, m, rt * 2);

	if (R > m)update(L, R, C, m + 1, r, rt * 2 + 1);



int Query(int L, int R, int l, int r, int rt)
	if (L <= l&&R >= r)
		return segtree[rt].active;
	if (L > r || R < l)
		return 0;

	int m = (l + r) / 2;

	pushdown(rt, m - l + 1, r - m);

	return Query(L, R, l, m, rt * 2) + Query(L, R, m + 1, r, rt * 2 + 1);

int cnt = 1;
void add_edge(int u, int v)
	e[cnt].to = v;
	e[cnt].nex = head[u];
	head[u] = cnt++;

//求出d f son size 
void dfs1(int x, int fath)
	Size[x] = 1;
	d[x] = d[fath] + 1;
	son[x] = 0;
	f[x] = fath;

	for (int i = head[x]; i; i = e[i].nex)
		int to = e[i].to;
		if (to == fath)
		dfs1(to, x);
		Size[x] += Size[to];
		if (Size[son[x]] < Size[to])
			son[x] = to;


void dfs2(int x, int topx)
	top[x] = topx;
	Nid[x] = ++dfn;
	Oid[dfn] = x;

	if (son[x] != 0)dfs2(son[x], topx);

	for (int i = head[x]; i; i = e[i].nex)
		if (e[i].to != f[x] && e[i].to != son[x])
			dfs2(e[i].to, e[i].to);//开启一个新的重链 

int lca(int x, int y)
	while (top[x] != top[y])
		if (d[top[x]] < d[top[y]])
			swap(x, y);
		x = f[top[x]];

	return d[x] < d[y] ? x : y;


void chain(int x, int y)
	while (top[x] != top[y])
		if (d[top[x]] < d[top[y]])
			swap(x, y);

		update(Nid[top[x]], Nid[x], 1, 1, N, 1);
		x = f[top[x]];
	if (d[x]>d[y])
		swap(x, y);

	update(Nid[x], Nid[y], 1, 1, N, 1);


void init_m()
	memset(d, 0, sizeof(d));
	memset(f, 0, sizeof(f));
	memset(Size, 0, sizeof(Size));
	memset(son, 0, sizeof(son));
	memset(top, 0, sizeof(top));
	memset(head, 0, sizeof(head));
	memset(Nid, 0, sizeof(Nid));
	memset(Oid, 0, sizeof(Oid));

	cnt = 1;
	dfn = 0;


int main(void)
	scanf("%d", &T);
	while (T--)
		scanf("%d", &N);


		for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++)
			scanf("%d", &A[i]);

		for (int i = 1; i <= N - 1; i++)
			int u, v;
			scanf("%d %d", &u, &v);

			add_edge(u, v);
			add_edge(v, u);

		dfs1(1, 0);
		dfs2(1, 1);

		build(1, N, 1);

		scanf("%d", &Q);

		for (int i = 1; i <= Q; i++)
			int op;
			scanf("%d", &op);
			if (op == 1)
				int a, b;
				scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);

			if (op == 2)
				int x;
				scanf("%d", &x);

				update(Nid[x], Nid[x], 0, 1, N, 1);
			if (op == 3)
				int x;
				scanf("%d", &x);

				update(Nid[x], Nid[x] + Size[x] - 1, 1, 1, N, 1);

			printf("%d\n", segtree[1].active);

	return 0;