
随后是取消时间,这里有好几种情况,情况一:一直无司机接单、超时、途中用户主动取消打车,记录打车结束时间,这里应该是end_time, 情况二:乘客上车前,乘客或司机点击取消订单,会将打车订单的finish_time填充为取消时间,


注意:同一时刻有人停止等车,也有人开始等车的话,等车人数先增加后减少。也即时间相同,先计算增加,然后再减少,那么增加的列必须排前边,sum(t1.num) over(partition by t1.city order by t1.time1, num desc) as wait_uv。新增一个排序字段即可

with temp as (select t1.city,
    sum(t1.num) over(partition by t1.city order by t1.time1, num desc) as wait_uv
from (
    select cr.city,
        cr.event_time time1,
        1 as 'num'
    from tb_get_car_record cr
    union all
    select cr.city,
        if(co.fare is null, co.finish_time, co.start_time) time1,
        # ifnull(co.start_time, co.finish_time) time1,
        -1 as 'num'
    from tb_get_car_order co
    join tb_get_car_record cr on co.order_id=cr.order_id
    # union all
    # select cr.city,
    #     cr.end_time time1,
    #     -1 as 'num'
    # from tb_get_car_record cr
    # where cr.order_id is null
) t1
where t1.time1 between '2021-10-01' and '2021-11-01'
select temp.city,
    max(temp.wait_uv) as max_wait_uv
from temp
group by temp.city
order by max_wait_uv asc