-------------------完整代码-------------------- select level, score_grade, round(defen_num/(sum(defen_num)over(partition by level)),3) as ratio from( select level, score_grade, count(*) as defen_num from ( select uid, case when score>=90 then '优' when score<90 and score>=75 then '良' when score<75 and score>=60 then '中' when score<60 and score is not null then '差' end as score_grade from exam_record where score is not null ) k1 join user_info ui on k1.uid = ui.uid group by level, score_grade ) k2 order by level desc, ratio desc;
# 查询各条已完成的试卷作答记录的用户id和等级情况 select uid, case when score>=90 then '优' when score<90 and score>=75 then '良' when score<75 and score>=60 then '中' when score<60 and score is not null then '差' end as score_grade from exam_record where score is not null # 统计不同用户等级的人在完成过的试卷中各得分等级的记录数目 select level, score_grade, count(*) as defen_num from ( select uid, case when score>=90 then '优' when score<90 and score>=75 then '良' when score<75 and score>=60 then '中' when score<60 and score is not null then '差' end as score_grade ) k1 join user_info ui on k1.uid = ui.uid group by level, score_grade # 统计不同用户等级的人在完成过的试卷中各得分等级占比(使用窗口函数) select level, score_grade, round(defen_num/(sum(defen_num)over(partition by level)),3) as ratio from( select level, score_grade, count(*) as defen_num from ( select uid, case when score>=90 then '优' when score<90 and score>=75 then '良' when score<75 and score>=60 then '中' when score<60 and score is not null then '差' end as score_grade from exam_record where score is not null ) k1 join user_info ui on k1.uid = ui.uid group by level, score_grade ) k2 order by level desc, ratio desc;