Given a string S consists of lower case letters. You're going to perform Q operations one by one. Each operation can be one of the following two types:
- Modify: Given an integer x. You need to modify S according to the value of x. If x is positive, move the leftmost x letters in S to the right side of S; otherwise, move the rightmost |x| letters in S to the left side of S.
- Answer: Given a positive integer x. Please answer what the x-th letter in the current string S is.
There are Q+2 lines in the input. The first line of the input contains the string S. The second line contains the integer Q. The following Q lines each denotes an operation. You need to follow the order in the input when performing those operations.
Each operation in the input is represented by a character c and an integer x. If c = 'M', this operation is a modify operation, that is, to rearrange S according to the value of x; if c = 'A', this operation is an answer operation, to answer what the x-th letter in the current string S is.
• 2≤∣S∣≤2×1e6 (|S| stands for the length of the string S) • S consists of lower case letters • 1≤Q≤8×1e5 • c = 'M' or 'A' • If c = 'M', 1≤∣x∣<∣S∣ • If c = 'A', 1≤x≤∣S∣ • There is at least one operation in the input satisfies c = 'A'
For each answer operation, please output a letter in a separate line representing the answer to the operation. The order of the output should match the order of the operations in the input.
#include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<string.h> #include<stack> #include<cstdio> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; #define INF 0x3f3f3f3f char s[2000005],ch[5]; int n,x,now=0,len; int main() { scanf("%s%d",s,&n); len=strlen(s); while(n--) { scanf("%s%d",ch,&x); if(ch[0]=='A') { int qaq=((now+x-1)%len+len)%len; printf("%c\n",s[qaq]); } else { now+=x; } } return 0; }