Recently Luba learned about a special kind of numbers that she calls beautiful numbers. The number is called beautiful iff its binary representation consists of k + 1 consecutive ones, and then k consecutive zeroes.
Some examples of beautiful numbers:
- 12 (110);
- 1102 (610);
- 11110002 (12010);
- 1111100002 (49610).
More formally, the number is beautiful iff there exists some positive integer k such that the number is equal to (2k - 1) * (2k - 1).
Luba has got an integer number n, and she wants to find its greatest beautiful divisor. Help her to find it!
The only line of input contains one number n (1 ≤ n ≤ 105) — the number Luba has got.
Output one number — the greatest beautiful divisor of Luba's number. It is obvious that the answer always exists.
换句话说,当且仅当存在一些正整数k使得这个 number = ( 2k - 1 ) * ( 2^(k - 1) ) ,这个number就是beautiful的。现在给你一个number,求它最大beautiful因子。
【代码】:beautiful numbers表:
void init(){ num[1] = 1 ; num[2] = 6 ; num[3] = 28 ; num[4] = 120 ; num[5] = 496 ; num[6] = 2016 ; num[7] = 8128 ; num[8] = 32640 ; num[9] = 130816 ; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N = 15; int n; int a[N]; int main() { for(int i=1;i<=10;i++) a[i]=(pow(2,i)-1)*pow(2,i-1); scanf("%d",&n); for(int i=10;i>=1;i--) if(n%a[i]==0) {printf("%d\n",a[i]);break;} return 0; }