A. 五子棋
B. 迷宫
C. 三华聚顶
1 #include<algorithm> 2 #include<cstdio> 3 #include<iostream> 4 #include<vector> 5 using namespace std; 6 const int N=205; 7 long double C[N][N];// binomial coefficient 8 struct Stat{ // contains stats about a random variable 9 double sum_,cnt_; 10 Stat():sum_(0),cnt_(0){} 11 double E(){ 12 if(cnt_==0) return 0; 13 return sum_/cnt_; 14 } 15 void AddInfo(double expected,double cnt){ 16 sum_+=expected*cnt; 17 cnt_+=cnt; 18 } 19 }w[N][N],dp[N][N]; 20 int n,g,t; 21 long double cap_avg(int x,int y,int upper){ 22 if(upper>n) return 0; 23 return (x+y+1.0)/2; 24 } 25 int main(){ 26 cin>>n>>g>>t; 27 vector<int> c(n+1); 28 for(int i=1;i<=n;++i) cin>>c[i],c[i]=min(c[i],g); // tables larger than g don't make sense 29 sort(c.begin()+1,c.end()); 30 c.resize(t+n+1,g); // add virtual tables that catch overflow 31 int m=c.size(); 32 for(int i=0;i<=t;++i) for(int j=C[i][0]=1;j<=i;++j) C[i][j]=C[i-1][j]+C[i-1][j-1]; 33 //w[i][j] has the statistics of filling up interval [i, j) with customers conditioned upon 34 //*no one else* coming to the restaurant. Tables are numbered from 0 in ascending order. 35 for(int i=m-1;~i;--i){ 36 w[i][i].AddInfo(0,1); // empty interval can be occupied in only one way 37 for(int j=i+1;j<m;++j) if(i+t>=j){ // only process intervals of length <= t 38 for(int k=i;k<j;++k){ 39 //merge [i,k) and [k+1,j) by occupying table k 40 long double cnt=w[i][k].cnt_*w[k+1][j].cnt_*(c[k+1]-c[i])*C[j-i-1][k-i];//j-i为区间长度 其中规定第k个最后一个出现 以保证不重 在前j-i-1个精中选择k-i个给左半边气,其余的直接分给右半边 41 long double expected=w[i][k].E()+w[k+1][j].E()+cap_avg(c[k+1],c[i],k+1); 42 w[i][j].AddInfo(expected,cnt); 43 } 44 } 45 } 46 //dp[i][k] has the statistics of filling up the first i tables with k different groups, 47 //conditioned upon no one else coming. Some of the first i tables might be empty. 48 for(int i=0;i<m;++i){//已经处理完的气 49 if(i<=t) dp[i][i]=w[0][i]; 50 for(int k=0;k<=t;++k) if(dp[i][k].cnt_>0) for(int j=i+1;j<m;++j){//k为当前轮用了多少精 j为转移到多少气 51 int new_cnt=k+((j-1)-i); //因为第j个不能用 第i个也不能用 所以(j-1)-i为当前一段连续区间中用到了多少个气 也就是精的增加量 52 //所以newcnt为之后处理了多少个精 53 if(new_cnt>t) break; 54 long double expected=dp[i][k].E()+w[i+1][j].E();//用了[i+1,j)的气 55 long double cnt=dp[i][k].cnt_*w[i+1][j].cnt_*C[new_cnt][k]; 56 dp[j][new_cnt].AddInfo(expected,cnt); 57 //dp[i][j] 考虑区间[0,i] 其中用到的气分成若干段 58 //第i个气一定没有被用 j是已经考虑完了j个精 59 } 60 } 61 printf("%.12lf\n",dp[m-1][t].E()); 62 return 0; 63 }