CodeForces Contest:
Probelm Set PDF:
A. Serval and Bus
It is raining heavily. But this is the first day for Serval, who just became 3 years old, to go to the kindergarten. Unfortunately, he lives far from kindergarten, and his father is too busy to drive him there. The only choice for this poor little boy is to wait for a bus on this rainy day. Under such circumstances, the poor boy will use the first bus he sees no matter where it goes. If several buses come at the same time, he will choose one randomly.
Serval will go to the bus station at time , and there are
bus routes which stop at this station. For the
-th bus route, the first bus arrives at time
minutes, and each bus of this route comes
minutes later than the previous one.
As Serval's best friend, you wonder which bus route will he get on. If several buses arrive at the same time, you can print any of them.
The first line contains two space-separated integers and
) — the number of bus routes and the time Serval goes to the station.
Each of the next lines contains two space-separated integers
) — the time when the first bus of this route arrives and the interval between two buses of this route.
Print one number — what bus route Serval will use. If there are several possible answers, you can print any of them.
case 1:
input | output |
2 2<br>6 4<br>9 5 | 1 |
case 2:
input | output |
5 5<br>3 3<br>2 5<br>5 6<br>4 9<br>6 1 | 3 |
case 3:
input | output |
3 7<br>2 2<br>2 3<br>2 4 | 1 |
In the first example, the first bus of the first route arrives at time , and the first bus of the second route arrives at time
, so the first route is the answer.
In the second example, a bus of the third route arrives at time , so it is the answer.
In the third example, buses of the first route come at times ,
, and so fourth, buses of the second route come at times
, and so fourth and buses of the third route come at times
, and so on, so
are both acceptable answers while
is not.
官方标签: brute force
题意: 今年三岁Serval要乘坐公交车前往加帕里幼儿园。 Serval会在T分钟到达公交车站,有n条公交线路在Serval的等候车站停靠。对于每条公交线路,第一班公交到达时间为分钟,每班公交与前一趟公交间隔
- 对于每一条线路,循环求出第一个大于等于
- 对于每一条线路
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ int n, t; int mini = 0; int mint = 0x3f3f3f3f; cin >> n >> t; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ int t1, t2; cin >> t1 >> t2; while(t1 < t){ t1 += t2; } if(t1 < mint){ mint = t1; mini = i + 1; } } cout << mini << endl; }
B. Serval and Toy Bricks
Luckily, Serval got onto the right bus, and he came to the kindergarten on time. After coming to kindergarten, he found the toy bricks very funny.
He has a special interest to create difficult problems for others to solve. This time, with many toy bricks, he builds up a 3-dimensional object. We can describe this object with a
matrix, such that in each cell
, there are
bricks standing on the top of each other.
However, Serval doesn't give you any , and just give you the front view, left view, and the top view of this object, and he is now asking you to restore the object. Note that in the front view, there are
columns, and in the
-th of them, the height is the maximum of
. It is similar for the left view, where there are
columns. And in the top view, there is an
, where
. If
, that means
, otherwise,
However, Serval is very lonely because others are bored about his unsolvable problems before, and refused to solve this one, although this time he promises there will be at least one object satisfying all the views. As his best friend, can you have a try?
The first line contains three positive space-separated integers (
) — the length, width and height.
The second line contains non-negative space-separated integers
, where
is the height in the
-th column from left to right of the front view (
The third line contains non-negative space-separated integers
), where
is the height in the
-th column from left to right of the left view.
Each of the following lines contains
numbers, each is
, representing the top view, where
-th number of
-th row is
, and
It is guaranteed that there is at least one structure satisfying the input.
Output lines, each of them contains
integers, the
-th number in the
-th line should be equal to the height in the corresponding position of the top view. If there are several objects satisfying the views, output any one of them.
case 1:
input | output |
3 7 3<br>2 3 0 0 2 0 1<br>2 1 3<br>1 0 0 0 1 0 0<br>0 0 0 0 0 0 1<br>1 1 0 0 0 0 0 | 1 0 0 0 2 0 0<br>0 0 0 0 0 0 1<br>2 3 0 0 0 0 0 |
case 2:
input | output |
4 5 5<br>3 5 2 0 4<br>4 2 5 4<br>0 0 0 0 1<br>1 0 1 0 0<br>0 1 0 0 0<br>1 1 1 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 4<br>1 0 2 0 0<br>0 5 0 0 0<br>3 4 1 0 0 |
The graph above illustrates the object in the first example.
The first graph illustrates the object in the example output for the second example, and the second graph shows the three-view drawing of it.
官方标签: constructive algorithms
题意: Serval准时的到达了幼儿园,到达了幼儿园之后,他觉得积木很有意思。Serval喜欢创造困难的问题去让别人解出。这次,Serval用 1 x 1 x 1 的积木搭建了一个三维物体并告诉你描述这个物体的方法:我们可以自上至下观察,用 n x m 的矩阵描述这个物体,在每个 单元格 (i, j)中,都有个积木。
现在Serval给你这个三维物体的三视图,要求你现在恢复这个物体,三视图的长为 m , 宽为 n,高为 h。
- 对于主视图,一共有m列,每列的高度为
- **对于左视图,一共有n列,每列高度为
- 对于顶视图,看做m × n的矩形, 对于每个单元格(i , j),1表示有积木,0表示没积木。
首先我们先根据题目需求,读入三视图的数据。我们就分别定义为front, left 和 top吧。
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ int n, m, h; cin >> n >> m >> h; vector<int> front(m), left(n); vector<vector<int>> top(n, vector<int>(m, 0)); for(int i = 0; i < m; i++){ cin >> front[i]; } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ cin >> left[i]; } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < m; j++){ cin >> top[i][j]; } } vector<vector<int>> res(n, vector<int>(m, 0)); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < m; j++){ if(!top[i][j]){ res[i][j] = 0; continue; } else { res[i][j] = min(left[i], front[j]); } } } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < m; j++){ cout << res[i][j] << " "; } cout << endl; } }
C. Serval and Parenthesis Sequence
Serval soon said goodbye to Japari kindergarten, and began his life in Japari Primary School.
In his favorite math class, the teacher taught him the following interesting definitions.
A parenthesis sequence is a string, containing only characters "(" and ")".
A correct parenthesis sequence is a parenthesis sequence that can be transformed into a correct arithmetic expression by inserting characters "1" and "+" between the original characters of the sequence. For example, parenthesis sequences "()()", "(())" are correct (the resulting expressions are: "(1+1)+(1+1)", "((1+1)+1)"), while ")(" and ")" are not. Note that the empty string is a correct parenthesis sequence by definition.
We define that as the length of string
. A strict prefix
of a string
is string
. Note that the empty string and the whole string are not strict prefixes of any string by the definition.
Having learned these definitions, he comes up with a new problem. He writes down a string containing only characters "(", ")" and "?". And what he is going to do, is to replace each of the "?" in
independently by one of "(" and ")" to make all strict prefixes of the new sequence not a correct parenthesis sequence, while the new sequence should be a correct parenthesis sequence.
After all, he is just a primary school student so this problem is too hard for him to solve. As his best friend, can you help him to replace the question marks? If there are many solutions, any of them is acceptable.
The first line contains a single integer (
), the length of the string.
The second line contains a string , containing only "(", ")" and "?".
A single line contains a string representing the answer.
If there are many solutions, any of them is acceptable.
If there is no answer, print a single line containing ":(" (without the quotes).
case 1:
input | output |
6<br>(????? | (()()) |
case 2:
input | output |
10<br>(???(???(? |
It can be proved that there is no solution for the second sample, so print ":(".
官方标签: string
题意: Serval告别了加帕里幼儿园,开始了加帕里小学的生活。数学课的老师交给了他有趣的定义:括弧序列是一个字符串,只包含'(' 和 ')'。
正确的括弧序列可以通过字符之间插入+ 或 1 可以转化为正确的算术表达式(例如: 可以转化成
**我们定义字符串为 严格前缀**
- 严格前缀不为括弧序列
- 字符串s为括弧序列
定义一个长度n = 6 的字符串
这6个字符串都是严格前缀,根据题目要求,我们不能让这六个中的任意一个成为括弧序列。但是很遗憾, 成为了括弧序列,那么这个字符串就不符合题目要求。输出":("
解释完严格前缀后,根据题意可以知道,如果要成为括弧序列,那么'(' 和 ')'必须是成对出现的,所以字符串长度为奇数的话可以直接知道s一定无法满足要求。
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ int n; string s; cin >> n >> s; int cntl = 0, cntr = 0; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ if(s[i] == '('){ cntl++; } if(s[i] == ')'){ cntr++; } } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ if(s[i] == '?'){ s[i] = '('; cntl++; } if(cntl == n / 2){ break; } } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ if(s[i] == '?'){ s[i] = ')'; cntr++; } if(cntr == n / 2){ break; } } int t = 0; bool f = true; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ if(s[i] == '('){ t++; } if(s[i] == ')'){ t--; } if(t <= 0 && i < n - 1){ f = false; break; } if(t != 0 && i == n - 1){ f = false; break; } } if(n % 2){ f = false; } cout << (f ? s : ":(") << endl; }
D. Serval and Rooted Tree
Now Serval is a junior high school student in Japari Middle School, and he is still thrilled on math as before.
As a talented boy in mathematics, he likes to play with numbers. This time, he wants to play with numbers on a rooted tree.
A tree is a connected graph without cycles. A rooted tree has a special vertex called the root. A parent of a node is the last different from
vertex on the path from the root to the vertex
. Children of vertex
are all nodes for which
is the parent. A vertex is a leaf if it has no children.
The rooted tree Serval owns has nodes, node
is the root. Serval will write some numbers into all nodes of the tree. However, there are some restrictions. Each of the nodes except leaves has an operation
written in it, indicating that the number in this node should be equal to the maximum or minimum of all the numbers in its sons, respectively.
Assume that there are leaves in the tree. Serval wants to put integers
to the
leaves (each number should be used exactly once). He loves large numbers, so he wants to maximize the number in the root. As his best friend, can you help him?
The first line contains an integer (
), the size of the tree.
The second line contains integers, the
-th of them represents the operation in the node
. If the node is a leaf, there is still a number of
, but you can ignore it.
The third line contains integers
), where
represents the parent of the node
Output one integer — the maximum possible number in the root of the tree.
case 1:
input | output |
6<br>1 0 1 1 0 1<br>1 2 2 2 2 | 1 |
case 2:
input | output |
5<br>1 0 1 0 1<br>1 1 1 1 | 4 |
case 3:
input | output |
8<br>1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0<br>1 1 2 2 3 3 3 | 4 |
case 4:
input | output |
9<br>1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1<br>1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 | 5 |
Pictures below explain the examples. The numbers written in the middle of the nodes are their indices, and the numbers written on the top are the numbers written in the nodes.
In the first example, no matter how you arrange the numbers, the answer is .
In the second example, no matter how you arrange the numbers, the answer is 4.
In the third example, one of the best solution to achieve 4 is to arrange 4 and 5 to nodes 4 and 5.
In the fourth example, the best solution is to arrange 5 to node 5.
官方标签:binary search
dfs and similar
题意: Serval现在是加帕里中学的一名初中生,和小学一样,他依旧对数学感到兴奋(你是都抖S吧) 这一次,他选择在一棵树的根上玩数学游戏<接下来一段是树的定义,跳过了>
** Serval拥有一个带n个节点的有根树,其中节点1是根。Serval会将数字写入树的所有节点。但是,除了叶子节点之外的每个节点都有一个属性MAX
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int MAXN = 3 * 100000 + 50; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; vector<vector<int>> G(MAXN); vector<int> stat(MAXN); vector<int> dp(MAXN, 0); int n, k = 0; void dfs(int u){ if(G[u].size() == 0 && u != 0){ dp[u] = 1; k++; return; } if(stat[u]){ dp[u] = INF; } else { dp[u] = 0; } for(auto e : G[u]){ dfs(e); if(stat[u]){ dp[u] = min(dp[e], dp[u]); } else { dp[u] += dp[e]; } } } int main(){ cin >> n; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ cin >> stat[i]; } for(int i = 1; i < n; i++){ int t; cin >> t; G[--t].push_back(i); } // ~ for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ // ~ cout << i + 1 << ": "; // ~ for(auto j : G[i]){ // ~ cout << j + 1 << " "; // ~ } // ~ cout << endl; // ~ } dfs(0); cout << k + 1 - dp[0] << endl; }
E. Serval and Snake
This is an interactive problem.
Now Serval is a senior high school student in Japari Middle School. However, on the way to the school, he must go across a pond, in which there is a dangerous snake. The pond can be represented as a grid. The snake has a head and a tail in different cells, and its body is a series of adjacent cells connecting the head and the tail without self-intersecting. If Serval hits its head or tail, the snake will bite him and he will die.
Luckily, he has a special device which can answer the following question: you can pick a rectangle, it will tell you the number of times one needs to cross the border of the rectangle walking cell by cell along the snake from the head to the tail. The pictures below show a possible snake and a possible query to it, which will get an answer of .
Today Serval got up too late and only have time to make queries. As his best friend, can you help him find the positions of the head and the tail?
Note that two cells are adjacent if and only if they have a common edge in the grid, and a snake can have a body of length , that means it only has adjacent head and tail.
Also note that the snake is sleeping, so it won't move while Serval using his device. And what's obvious is that the snake position does not depend on your queries.
The first line contains a single integer (
) — the size of the grid.
When you are ready to answer, you should print ! x1 y1 x2 y2, where represents the position of the head and
represents the position of the tail. You can print head and tail in any order.
To make a query, you should print ? x1 y1 x2 y2 (,
), representing a rectangle consisting of all cells
such that
. You will get a single integer as the answer.
After printing a query, do not forget to output the end of line and flush the output, otherwise you will get Idleness limit exceeded. To do this, use:
- fflush(stdout) or cout.flush() in C++;
- System.out.flush() in Java;
- flush(output) in Pascal;
- stdout.flush() in Python;
see documentation for other languages.
Answerinstead of a valid answer means that you made an invalid query or exceeded the maximum number of queries. Exit immediately after receiving
and you will see Wrong answer verdict. Otherwise you can get an arbitrary verdict because your solution will continue to read from a closed stream.
If your program cannot find out the head and tail of the snake correctly, you will also get a Wrong Answer verdict.
To make a hack, print a single integer (
) in the first line, indicating the size of the grid.
Then print an integer (
) in the second line, indicating the length of the snake.
In the next lines, print
pairs of integers
), each pair in a single line, indicating the
-th cell of snake, such that the adjacent pairs are adjacent, and all
pairs are distinct.
case 1:
input | output |
2</br>1</br>0</br>0 | ? 1 1 1 1</br>? 1 2 1 2</br>? 2 2 2 2</br>! 1 1 2 1 |
case 2:
input | output |
3</br>2</br>0 | ? 2 2 2 2</br>? 2 1 2 3</br>! 2 1 2 3 |
The pictures above show our queries and the answers in the first example. We first made a query for and got an answer
, then found that it must be connected to exactly one other cell. Then we made a query for
and got an answer of
, then knew that the snake never entered it. So the cell connected to
must be
. Then we made a query for
and got an answer
, then knew that it never entered
as well. So the snake cannot leave
, which implies that the answer is
The pictures above show our queries and the answers in the second example. By making query to and receiving
, we found that the snake occupies
. And by making query to rectangle from
and receiving answer
, we knew that it never goes out of the rectangle from
. Since the first answer is
, both
must be occupied but none of others, so the answer is
官方标签:binary search
brute force
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef pair<int, int> P; vector<P> res; int n; int query(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2){ cout.flush(); cout << "?" << " " << x1 << " " << y1 << " " << x2 << " " << y2 << endl; int t; cin >> t; return t; } void go_row(int row){ int l = 1, r = n, mid, f; while(l <= r){ mid = (l + r) / 2; int t = query(l, row, mid, row); if(t & 1){ r = mid - 1; f = mid; } else { l = mid + 1; } } res.push_back(P(f, row)); } void go_col(int col){ int l = 1, r = n, mid, f; while(l <= r){ mid = (l + r) / 2; int t = query(col, l, col, mid); if(t & 1){ r = mid - 1; f = mid; } else { l = mid + 1; } } res.push_back(P(col, f)); } int main(){ cin >> n; vector<int> cnt(n + 1); int s = 0; for(int i = 1; i < n; i++){ int t = query(1, i, n, i); cnt[i] = t; s += t; } cnt[n] = s; vector<int> found; for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){ /// 查询列 if(cnt[i] & 1){ found.push_back(i); } } if(found.size() == 2){ for(auto d : found){ go_row(d); } } else { s = 0; for(int i = 1; i < n; i++){ /// 查询行 int t = query(i, 1, i, n); cnt[i] = t; s += t; } cnt[n] = s; found.clear(); for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){ if(cnt[i] & 1){ found.push_back(i); } } for(auto d : found){ go_col(d); } } cout << "!" << " "; for(auto d : res){ cout << d.first << " " << d.second << " "; } }