with t as( select * ,count(*)over(partition by user_id) as cnt ,row_number()over(partition by user_id order by date) as numb from order_info where date >'2025-10-15' and product_name in('C++','Java','Python') and status='completed')
下半段借助大佬的分享修改的代码,使用了case when 当row_number=1时,输出date对应的值并把名修改为first_buy_date,row_number=2时同理,case when旁边为什么要加min
这个我一开始是很不理解的,但是自己一看group by了user_id,自然其他都要加上聚合函数才行;
select user_id ,min(case when numb ='1' then date end) first_buy_date ,min(case when numb ='2' then date end) second_buy_date ,count(*) as cnt from t where t.cnt>1 group by user_id order by user_id