题解: 从结果出发,用需要的数据形式倒推逻辑


  • 日期格式化函数求月份、标准日期 date_format(dt, '[format]')
  • dense_rank()和rank()的区别,对于并列的情况,dense_rank排序出来是连续的,而rank可能因为间断而跳过一些数字
  • 窗口函数partition by的灵活应用,partition by不仅限于某一列,也会包含特定的字段
select uid,
date_format(dt, '%Y%m') mon,
sum(case (continue_dt % 7) 
    when 3 then 3
    when 0 then 7
   else 1 end) coin
select uid,
dense_rank() over(partition by date_sub(dt, INTERVAL rk day) order by dt asc) continue_dt
select distinct uid, 
date(in_time) dt,
dense_rank() over(partition by uid order by date(in_time) asc) rk
from tb_user_log
where artical_id = 0
and sign_in = 1
and in_time between '2021-07-07' and '2021-11-01'
) t1 
    ) t2
    group by 1, 2 
    order by 2, 1