2)max是记录着mp3 当前界面最大值。
def helper(cur,n,order): max_ = 1 for s in order: if s == 'U' and cur == 1: cur = n elif s == 'U': cur -= 1 elif s == 'D' and cur == n: cur = 1 elif s == 'D': cur += 1 if n > 4: if cur > max_: max_ = cur if cur < max_ - 3: max_ = cur + 3 return cur, max_ while True: try: n, order, cur = int(input()), input(), 1 # n = 10 order = UUUU cur = 1 cur, max_ = helper(cur, n, order) ans = range(max_-3, max_+1) if n > 4 else range(1,n+1) print(" ".join(map(str,ans))) print(cur) except: break