
The mission of space explorers found on planet M the vast dungeon. One of the dungeon halls is fill with the bright spheres. The explorers find out that the light rays reflect from the surface of the spheres according the ordinary law (the incidence angle is equal to the reflectance angle, the incidence ray, the reflected ray and the perpendicular to the sphere surface lay in the one plane). The ancient legend says that if the light ray will reflect from the spheres in the proper order, than the door to the room with very precious ancient knowledge will open. You are not to guess the right sequence; your task is much simpler. You are given the positions and the radii of the spheres, the place where the laser shot was made and the direction of light propagation. And you must find out the sequence in which the light will be reflected from the spheres.


The first line of input contains the single integer n (1≤n≤50) - the amount of the spheres. The next n lines contain the coordinates and the radii of the spheres xi, yi, zi, ri (the integer numbers less or equal to 10000 by absolute value). The last line contains 6 real numbers - the coordinates of two points. The first one gives the coordinates of the place of laser shot, and the second gives the direction in which it was made (the second point is the point on the ray). The starting point of the ray lies strictly outside of any sphere.


Your program must output the sequence of sphere numbers (spheres are numbers from 1 as they was given in input), from which the light ray was reflected. If the ray will reflect more the 10 times, than you must output first 10, then a space and the word ‘etc.’ (without quotes). Notice: if the light ray goes at a tangent to the sphere you must assume that the ray was reflected by the sphere.

Sample Input:

0 0 2 1
0 0 0 0 0 1

Sample Output:


Sample Input:

0 0 2 1
0 0 -2 1
0 0 0 0 0 100

Sample Output:

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 etc.


在空间内有 n n n 个球和一条射线,射线照射到球面上会发生反射(相切也算反射),求射线路径中依次发生反射的球体编号(超过10次反射仅输出10次反射的球体编号和etc.



若射线为图中 C D CD CD ,球为 A \odot A A ,射线与球的交点为 D F D、F DF ,反射线为 D C DC' DC C C' C C C C 关于法线 A D AD AD 的对称点 )

我们只讨论射线与球的一个交点 D D D E E E 暂且不讨论

根据向量的关系可得 <mover accent="true"> D A </mover> = <mover accent="true"> C A </mover> <mover accent="true"> C D </mover> \vec{DA}=\vec{CA}-\vec{CD} DA =CA CD <mover accent="true"> D A </mover> = r |\vec{DA}|=r DA =r r r r 是球 A A A 的半径)

假设 <mover accent="true"> C D </mover> = l |\vec{CD}|=l CD =l , <mover accent="true"> C D </mover> \vec{CD} CD 的方向向量为 <mover accent="true"> d i r </mover> \vec{dir} dir C D = l × <mover accent="true"> d i r </mover> CD=l\times\vec{dir} CD=l×dir

联立得 <mover accent="true"> C A </mover> l × <mover accent="true"> d i r </mover> = R |\vec{CA}-l\times\vec{dir}|=R CA l×dir =R 其中 l l l 为变量

这样我们就得到了一个关于 l l l 的一元二次方程,方程化简到最后为
<mover accent="true"> A C </mover> 2 + 2 l <mover accent="true"> A C </mover> <mover accent="true"> d i r </mover> + l 2 <mover accent="true"> d i r </mover> 2 = r 2 \vec{AC}^{2}+2l\vec{AC}\vec{dir}+l^{2}\vec{dir}^{2}=r^{2} AC 2+2lAC dir +l2dir 2=r2
l 2 <mover accent="true"> d i r </mover> 2 + 2 l <mover accent="true"> A C </mover> <mover accent="true"> d i r </mover> + <mover accent="true"> A C </mover> 2 r 2 = 0 l^{2}\vec{dir}^{2}+2l\vec{AC}\vec{dir}+\vec{AC}^{2}r^{2}=0 l2dir 2+2lAC dir +AC 2r2=0
a = <mover accent="true"> d i r </mover> 2 , b = 2 <mover accent="true"> A C </mover> <mover accent="true"> d i r </mover> , c = <mover accent="true"> A C </mover> 2 a=\vec{dir}^{2},b={2\vec{AC}\vec{dir}},c=\vec{AC}^{2} a=dir 2,b=2AC dir ,c=AC 2 ,根据根的判别式 Δ = b 2 4 a c \Delta=b^{2}-4ac Δ=b24ac 就可以判断射线所在的直线是否与球体相交,若相交则继续利用求根公式求出两解 b ± Δ 2 a \frac{-b\pm\sqrt{\Delta}}{2a} 2ab±Δ ,取最小解(显然图中 <mover accent="true"> C D </mover> &lt; <mover accent="true"> C E </mover> |\vec{CD}|&lt;|\vec{CE}| CD <CE ),若最小解为负数则射线所在直线与球体相交但射线不与球体相交(球体在射线反向),若最小解为 0 0 0 则射线与球体相切,若最小解为整数则射线与球体相交




#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef double db;
const int maxn = 1e2 + 5;
const db inf = 1e20;
const db eps = 1e-9;

int Sgn(db Key) {return fabs(Key) < eps ? 0 : (Key < 0 ? -1 : 1);}
int Cmp(db Key1, db Key2) {return Sgn(Key1 - Key2);}
struct Point {db X, Y, Z;};
typedef Point Vector;
struct Ray {Point Origin; Vector Dir;};
Vector operator - (Vector Key1, Vector Key2) {return (Vector){Key1.X - Key2.X, Key1.Y - Key2.Y, Key1.Z - Key2.Z};}
Vector operator + (Vector Key1, Vector Key2) {return (Vector){Key1.X + Key2.X, Key1.Y + Key2.Y, Key1.Z + Key2.Z};}
db operator * (Vector Key1, Vector Key2) {return Key1.X * Key2.X + Key1.Y * Key2.Y + Key1.Z * Key2.Z;}
db GetLen(Vector Key) {return sqrt(Key * Key);}
db GetLen2(Vector Key) {return Key * Key;}
db operator ^ (Vector Key1, Vector Key2) {return GetLen((Vector){Key1.Y * Key2.Z - Key1.Z * Key2.Y, Key1.Z * Key2.X - Key1.X * Key2.Z, Key1.X * Key2.Y - Key1.Y * Key2.X});}
Vector operator * (Vector Key1, db Key2) {return (Vector){Key1.X * Key2, Key1.Y * Key2, Key1.Z * Key2};}
Vector operator / (Vector Key1, db Key2) {return (Vector){Key1.X / Key2, Key1.Y / Key2, Key1.Z / Key2};}
db DisPointToPoiont(Point Key1, Point Key2) {return GetLen(Key2 - Key1);}
struct Sphere {Point Center; db Radius;};

bool IsRayInterSphere(Ray Key1, Sphere Key2, db &Dis) {
    db A = Key1.Dir * Key1.Dir;
    db B = (Key1.Origin - Key2.Center) * Key1.Dir * 2.0;
    db C = ((Key1.Origin - Key2.Center) * (Key1.Origin - Key2.Center)) - (Key2.Radius * Key2.Radius);
    db Delta = B * B - 4.0 * A * C;
    if (Sgn(Delta) < 0) return false;
    db X1 = (-B - sqrt(Delta)) / (2.0 * A), X2 = (-B + sqrt(Delta)) / (2.0 * A);
    if (Cmp(X1, X2) > 0) swap(X1, X2);
    if (Sgn(X1) <= 0) return false;
    Dis = X1;
    return true;

void Reflect(Ray &Key1, Sphere Key2, db Dis) {
    Point Pos = Key1.Origin + (Key1.Dir * Dis);
    Vector Temp = Key2.Center + (((Pos - Key2.Center) * ((Pos - Key2.Center) * (Key1.Origin - Key2.Center))) / GetLen2(Pos - Key2.Center));
    Key1.Dir = Temp * 2.0 - Key1.Origin - Pos; Key1.Origin = Pos;

int N;
Sphere spheres[maxn];
Ray Cur;
int Last;

int Solve() {
    db MinDis = inf; int Ans = -1;
    for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) {
        db Dis = inf;
        if (i == Last) continue;
        if (!IsRayInterSphere(Cur, spheres[i], Dis)) continue;
        if (Cmp(Dis, MinDis) < 0) {
            Ans = i;
            MinDis = Dis;
    if (Ans == -1) return -1;
    Last = Ans;
    Reflect(Cur, spheres[Ans], MinDis);
    return Ans;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    scanf("%d", &N);
    for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) scanf("%lf%lf%lf%lf", &spheres[i].Center.X, &spheres[i].Center.Y, &spheres[i].Center.Z, &spheres[i].Radius);
    scanf("%lf%lf%lf", &Cur.Origin.X, &Cur.Origin.Y, &Cur.Origin.Z);
    scanf("%lf%lf%lf", &Cur.Dir.X, &Cur.Dir.Y, &Cur.Dir.Z);
    Cur.Dir = Cur.Dir - Cur.Origin;
    for (int i = 0, Ans; i < 11; ++i) {
        Ans = Solve();
        if (Ans == -1) break;
        else if (i == 10) printf("etc.");
        else printf("%d ", Ans);
    return 0;