
  1. 查询user_id = 1 的用户,其关注的人(follower_id )
    select follower_id from follow where user_id = 1;
  2. 查询user_id = 1 的用户,其关注的人喜欢的音乐 (music_id)
    select music_id from music_likes
    where user_id in (select follower_id from follow where user_id = 1);
  3. 查询user_id = 1 的用户,其关注的人喜欢的音乐,同时排除该用户已经喜欢的音乐(music_id)
    select music_id from music_likes
    where user_id in (select follower_id from follow where user_id = 1)
    and music_id not in (select music_id from music_likes where user_id = 1);
  4. 查询user_id = 1 的用户,其关注的人喜欢的音乐,同时排除该用户已经喜欢的音乐(music_id)。接着,连接表music,获得音乐name,并且按music的id升序排列,返回的结果不包含重复项。即最终的代码为:
     distinct music_name
    from (
     select music_id from music_likes
     where user_id in (select follower_id from follow where user_id = 1)
     and music_id not in (select music_id from music_likes where user_id = 1)
    ) a
    join music m on a.music_id = m.id
    order by id