
  1 #!/bin/bash 2 #testing the read command 3 
  4 echo -n "Enter you name:" #echo -n 让用户直接在后面输入 
  5 read name #输入的多个文本将保存在一个变量中 6 echo "Hello $name, welcome to my program."


# ./read.sh Enter you name: wangtao Hello wangtao, welcome to my program.


2、read -p (直接在read命令行指定提示符)

  1 #!/bin/bash 2 #testing the read -p option 3 read -p "Please enter your age: " age 4 days=$[ $age * 365 ] 5 echo "That makes you over $days days old!"


# ./age.sh Please enter your age: 23 That makes you over 8395 days old!


3、read -p (指定多个变量)

  1 #!/bin/bash 2 # entering multiple variables 3 
  4 read -p "Enter your name:" first last
  5 echo "Checking data for $last, $first"


# ./read1.sh Enter your name: a b Checking data for b, a


4、read 命令中不指定变量,那么read命名将它收到的任何数据都放在特殊环境变量REPLY中

 1 #!/bin/bash 2 # testing the REPLY environment variable 3 
  4 read -p "Enter a number: "
  5 factorial=1 
  6 for (( count=1; count<= $REPLY; count++ )) 7 do
  8    factorial=$[ $factorial * $count ] #等号两端不要有空格 9 done
 10 echo "The factorial of $REPLY is $factorial"


./read2.sh Enter a number: 6 The factorial of 6 is 720


5、超时, 等待输入的秒数(read -t)

  1 #!/bin/bash 2 # timing the data entry 3 
  4 if read -t 5 -p "Please enter your name: " name #记得加-p参数, 直接在read命令行指定提示符 5 then
  6     echo "Hello $name, welcome to my script"
  7 else
  8     echo 
  9     echo "Sorry, too slow!"
 10 fi


# ./read3.sh Please enter your name: Sorry, too slow!
# ./read3.sh Please enter your name: wang Hello wang, welcome to my script



  1 #!/bin/bash 2 # getting just one character of input 3 
  4 read -n1 -p "Do you want to continue [Y/N]? " answer 5 case $answer in
  6 Y | y) echo
  7        echo "fine, continue on...";; 8 N | n) echo 
  9        echo "OK, goodbye"
 10 exit;; 11 esac


# ./read4.sh Do you want to continue [Y/N]? y fine, continue on... ./read4.sh Do you want to continue [Y/N]? n OK, goodbye


6、隐藏方式读取(read -s)

  1 #!/bin/bash 2 # hiding input data from the monitor 3 
  4 read -s -p "Enter your passwd: " pass #-s 参数使得read读入的字符隐藏 5 echo 
  6 echo "Is your passwd readlly $pass?"


# ./read5.sh Enter your passwd: Is your passwd readlly osfile@206?



  1 #!/bin/bash 2 # reading data from a file
  4 count=1
  5 cat test | while read line 6 do
  7    echo "Line $count: $line"
  8    count=$[ $count + 1 ] 9 done
 10 echo "Finished processing the file"


 ./read6.sh Line 1: The quick brown dog jumps over the lazy fox. Line 2: This is a test, this is only a test. Line 3: O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Finished processing the file 