# 思路:看到结果表需要添加新列,想到使用连接
# ---------------------------------------------
# 先获取每个岗位,每一个月内收到简历的数目存储为临时表
with t as (
    select job, date_format(`date`, '%Y-%m') mon, sum(num) cnt
    from resume_info
    group by job, date_format(`date`, '%Y-%m')

# 对临时表使用自连接来作不同年相同月份的数据匹配
select t1.job job, t1.mon first_year_mon, t1.cnt first_year_cnt,
t2.mon second_year_mon, t2.cnt second_year_cnt
from t t1
join t t2
on t1.job=t2.job and substring_index(t1.mon,'-',-1) = substring_index(t2.mon,'-',-1)
and substring_index(t2.mon,'-',1) - substring_index(t1.mon,'-',1) = 1
where substring_index(t1.mon,'-',1) = '2025'
order by first_year_mon desc, job desc; 
