这里我直接recursion了 没去记忆了。
时间O(n^2), 每次recursion会分两支新的recursion
空间O(n), 递归n层,所以栈最高也是n层。
想要动态规划+记忆就把F(n, x, y)存个HashMap<String, LinkedList>
key = String.formart("%d-%d-%d", n, x, y)
import java.util.*;
public class Solution {
public ArrayList<String> getSolution(int n) {
// Let x, y denote 2 sticks
// and u(x,y) denotes the other stick that's not x or y.
// and assign left, mid, right to numbers: 0, 1, 2,
// so u(x, y) = 3 - x - y.
// Let F(n, x, y) denotes optimal moves required to move n
// plates from x to y.
// F(n, x, y) = F(n-1, x, u(x,y)) + move(x, y) + F(n-1, u(x,y), y)
return new ArrayList<String>(solve(n, 0, 2));
LinkedList<String> solve(int n, int x, int y) {
LinkedList<String> ret;
// base, move 1 plate from x to y
if (n == 1) {
ret = new LinkedList<>();
return ret;
// 先 move n-1 plates from x to u(x,y).
ret = solve(n-1, x, 3-x-y);
// 再 move bottom plate from x to y
ret.addLast(move(x, y));
// 最后 move n-1 plates from u(x,y) to y
ret.addAll(solve(n-1, 3-x-y, y));
return ret;
String move(int x, int y) {
return String.format("move from %s to %s", idxToStr(x), idxToStr(y));
String idxToStr(int idx) {
if (idx == 0) return "left";
if (idx == 1) return "mid";
return "right";