
with temp as
(select dc.uid, max(dc.diff) as days_window from
(select uid,
datediff(lead(start_time) over (partition by uid order by start_time), start_time)+1 as diff
from exam_record
where year(start_time)=2021) as dc
group by dc.uid
having count(distinct date_format(start_time, "%Y-%m-%d"))>=2),


temp2 as 
(select uid,
count(start_time) / (datediff(max(start_time), min(start_time))+1) as day_avg
from exam_record
where year(start_time)=2021
group by uid)


select uid, days_window,
round(days_window * day_avg,2) as avg_exam_cnt
from temp left join temp2 using(uid)
order by days_window desc, avg_exam_cnt desc


with temp as
(select dc.uid, max(dc.diff) as days_window from
(select uid,
datediff(lead(start_time) over (partition by uid order by start_time), start_time)+1 as diff
from exam_record
where year(start_time)=2021) as dc
group by dc.uid
having count(distinct date_format(start_time, "%Y-%m-%d"))>=2),

temp2 as 
(select uid,
count(start_time) / (datediff(max(start_time), min(start_time))+1) as day_avg
from exam_record
where year(start_time)=2021
group by uid)

select uid, days_window,
round(days_window * day_avg,2) as avg_exam_cnt
from temp left join temp2 using(uid)
order by days_window desc, avg_exam_cnt desc