# 创建一个名为survey_dict的空字典
survey_dict = {}
while 1:
    print('If you have the chance, which university do you want to go to most?')
    print('What is your name?')
    # 将读取到的字符串存储在变量name中
    name = input()
    print('Which university do you want to go to most?')
    # 将读取到的字符串存储在变量university中
    university = input()
    # 把键-值对name: university存储在字典survey_dict中
    survey_dict[name] = university
    print("Is there anyone who hasn't been investigated yet?")
    result = input()
    if result == 'No':
for name in sorted(survey_dict, reverse=False):
    print(f"I'am {name}. I'd like to go to {survey_dict[name]} if I have the chance!")