
with temp1 as 
(select user_id, type, sum(grade_num) as sub_sum from grade_info
group by user_id, type),


temp2 as
(select distinct u.id, u.name, 
(if(exists(select sub_sum from temp1 where user_id=u.id and type="add"),
   (select sub_sum from temp1 where user_id=u.id and type="add"),
if(exists(select sub_sum from temp1 where user_id=u.id and type="reduce"),
   (select sub_sum from temp1 where user_id=u.id and type="reduce"),
   0)) as diff
from user as u, grade_info as g)



with temp1 as 
(select user_id, type, sum(grade_num) as sub_sum from grade_info
group by user_id, type),

temp2 as
(select distinct u.id, u.name, 
(if(exists(select sub_sum from temp1 where user_id=u.id and type="add"),
   (select sub_sum from temp1 where user_id=u.id and type="add"),
if(exists(select sub_sum from temp1 where user_id=u.id and type="reduce"),
   (select sub_sum from temp1 where user_id=u.id and type="reduce"),
   0)) as diff
from user as u, grade_info as g)

select * from temp2
where diff = (select max(diff) from temp2)
order by id