
The company Chris Ltd. is preparing a new sorting hardware called Maximizer. Maximizer has n inputs numbered from 1 to n. Each input represents one integer. Maximizer has one output which represents the maximum value present on Maximizer's inputs.

Maximizer is implemented as a pipeline of sorters Sorter(i1, j1), ... , Sorter(ik, jk). Each sorter has n inputs and n outputs. Sorter(i, j) sorts values on inputs i, i+1,... , j in non-decreasing order and lets the other inputs pass through unchanged. The n-th output of the last sorter is the output of the Maximizer.

An intern (a former ACM contestant) observed that some sorters could be excluded from the pipeline and Maximizer would still produce the correct result. What is the length of the shortest subsequence of the given sequence of sorters in the pipeline still producing correct results for all possible combinations of input values?

Write a program that:

reads a description of a Maximizer, i.e. the initial sequence of sorters in the pipeline,
computes the length of the shortest subsequence of the initial sequence of sorters still producing correct results for all possible input data,
writes the result.



思路:dp + 线段树优化
首先很容易想到令 表示取第 个排序器时,最大值可以移动到第 个位置的最优方案。那么有状态转移方程 , 其中 表示在 里面的最小值,找到之后我们就能从该状态转移过来。


#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int N = 1e6 + 5;
struct node {
  int l, r, minz;
}t[N << 2];
void push_up(int rt) {
  t[rt].minz = min(t[rt << 1].minz, t[rt << 1 | 1].minz);
void build(int rt, int l, int r) {
  t[rt].l = l, t[rt].r = r;
  if(l == r) {
    return ;
  int mid = l + r >> 1;
  build(rt << 1, l, mid);
  build(rt << 1 | 1, mid + 1, r);
void update(int rt, int x, int val) {
  if(t[rt].l == t[rt].r) {
    t[rt].minz = min(t[rt].minz, val);
    return ;
  int mid = t[rt].l + t[rt].r >> 1;
  if(x <= mid) {
    update(rt << 1, x, val);
  } else {
    update(rt << 1 | 1, x, val);
int query(int rt, int ql, int qr) {
  if(t[rt].l >= ql && t[rt].r <= qr) {
    return t[rt].minz;
  int mid = t[rt].l + t[rt].r >> 1;
  if(qr <= mid) {
    return query(rt << 1, ql, qr);
  } else if(ql > mid) {
    return query(rt << 1 | 1, ql, qr);
  } else return min(query(rt << 1, ql, mid), query(rt << 1 | 1, mid + 1, qr));
int main() {
  ios::sync_with_stdio(false), cin.tie(0), cout.tie(0);
  int n, m; cin >> n >> m;
  memset(t, 0x3f, sizeof(t));
  build(1, 1, n); // 建树
  update(1, 1, 0); // 把第一个点设置为0
  for(int i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
    int l, r; cin >> l >> r;
    int pos = query(1, l, r); // 找到前面的最小值
    update(1, r, pos + 1); // 状态转移
  cout << query(1, n, n) << "\n"; // 输出
  return 0;