import sys

sec_level_tab = (
    (90, "VERY_SECURE"),
    (80, "SECURE"),
    (70, "VERY_STRONG"),
    (60, "STRONG"),
    (50, "AVERAGE"),
    (25, "WEAK"),
    (0, "VERY_WEAK"),

def score(pwd):
    size = len(pwd)
    if size >= 8:
        score = 25
    elif size >= 5:
        score = 10
        score = 5
    has_upper = has_lower = False
    digit_num = sign_num = 0
    for c in pwd:
        if 'A' <= c <= 'Z':
            has_upper = True
        elif 'a' <= c <= 'z':
            has_lower = True
        elif '0' <= c <= '9':
            digit_num += 1
        elif 0x21 <= ord(c) <= 0x2F or 0x3A <= ord(c) <= 0x40:
            sign_num += 1
    if has_lower and has_upper:
        score += 20
    elif has_lower or has_upper:
        score += 10
    if digit_num > 1:
        score += 20
    elif digit_num == 1:
        score += 10
    if sign_num > 1:
        score += 25
    elif sign_num == 1:
        score += 10
    if digit_num > 0:
        if sign_num > 0:
            if has_lower and has_upper:
                score += 5
            elif has_lower or has_upper:
                score += 3
        elif has_lower or has_upper:
            score += 2
    return score

def level(score):
    for sec_level in sec_level_tab:
        if score >= sec_level[0]:
            return sec_level[1]

for line in sys.stdin.readlines():
    line = line.strip()