1.先剔除0及127开头的IP地址 2.判断掩码及IP规则是否符合要求 3.判断各类IP地址

from sys import stdin
from re import match
from functools import reduce

def judgef(num): #将IP中的空值或者小于0及大于255的值统一赋值用以后续的IP合规判断
    if num == '':
        return 300
    if int(num) >= 0 and int(num) <= 255:
        return int(num)
        return 300
def dealmask(omask1,omask2):  #将掩码值处理为二进制01字符串
    res = omask1+bin(omask2)[2:].zfill(8)
    return res
def decidef(olist):  #将IP及掩码进行分类
    if olist[0] == 0 or olist[0] == 127: #将0.*.*.*及127.*.*.*IP剔除
    omasks = reduce(dealmask,olist[4:],'')
    if not (omasks.count('10') == 1 and omasks.count('01') == 0) : 
    #判断掩码是否错误,只存在一个10 且不存在01 的掩码符合规则
        result[5] += 1
    if 300 in olist[:4]: #判断IP是否错误
        result[5] += 1
    if 1 <= olist[0] <= 126 and 0 <= olist[1] <= 255 and 0 <= olist[2] <= 255 and 0 <= olist[3] <= 255: #判断是否为A类
        result[0] += 1
    if 128 <= olist[0] <= 191 and 0 <= olist[1] <= 255 and 0 <= olist[2] <= 255 and 0 <= olist[3] <= 255:#判断是否为B类
        result[1] += 1
    if 192 <= olist[0] <= 223 and 0 <= olist[1] <= 255 and 0 <= olist[2] <= 255 and 0 <= olist[3] <= 255:#判断是否为C类
        result[2] += 1
    if 224 <= olist[0] <= 239 and 0 <= olist[1] <= 255 and 0 <= olist[2] <= 255 and 0 <= olist[3] <= 255:#判断是否为D类
        result[3] += 1
    if 240 <= olist[0] <= 255 and 0 <= olist[1] <= 255 and 0 <= olist[2] <= 255 and 0 <= olist[3] <= 255:#判断是否为E类
        result[4] += 1
    if  (olist[0] == 10 and 0 <= olist[1] <= 255 and 0 <= olist[2] <= 255 and 0 <= olist[3] <= 255) \
        or (olist[0] == 172 and 16 <= olist[1] <= 31 and 0 <= olist[2] <= 255 and 0 <= olist[3] <= 255 ) \
        or (olist[0] == 192 and  olist[1] == 168 and 0 <= olist[2] <= 255 and 0 <= olist[3] <= 255 ) \
        : #判断是否为私有IP
        result[6] += 1

result = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
for ostr in stdin.readlines(): #初步处理输入字符
    deals = list(map(judgef,ostr.strip().replace('~','.').split('.')))
for i in result:
    print(i,end=' ')